[BNC-all] OSA&SPIE Seminar: J. Hood (Caltech) Oct 22 (Thu) 2-3pm

Sajid M Choudhury smc at ieee.org
Mon Oct 19 18:22:14 EDT 2015

Dear all,

Next Thursday, we have a seminar on "Strong atom-light interactions in 1D
photonic crystals"  by Jonathan Hood (PhD Student in Prof. Jeff Kimble's
Group, Caltech, CA).
This event is jointly hosted by OSA Purdue Student Chapter and SPIE Purdue
Student Chapter.

You are welcome to join the seminar. Food and beverage will be provided.

OSA&SPIE Seminar
Topic:Optical Specifications Basics by Anna Wang, Newport Corporation
Speaker: Jonathan Hood (PhD Student in Prof. Jeff Kimble's Group, Caltech,
Date:October 22nd, Thursday
Location:BRK 2001

For more information, please see the attached flyer

*Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury*
Graduate Student, Birck Nanotechnology Center, School of ECE
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
(Website <https://engineering.purdue.edu/~sajidmc/>)  (Linkedin
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