[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of Nov. 9th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Mon Nov 9 12:31:08 EST 2015


Dr. Jeff Meth
Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites
Monday, November 9th at 3:30 pm in Birck 1001
For more information please visit: https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/calendar/details/1382

Dr. Ali Shakouri
Nanoscale Thermal/Thermoelectric Energy Conversion (NT-TEC) Seminar
Ballistic, diffusive and superdiffusive thermal transport: Do fractals matter?
Thursday, November 12th at noon in Birck 1001

Contamination Control

Please always be mindful of contamination control when entering the gowning room and the cleanroom.  Here are a couple of reminders about particulate control . . .

(1)   Please do not take any kind of cardboard, or corrugated paper products or containers, into the gowning room.  The gowning room is also a part of the cleanroom and cleanliness actually starts outside the gowning room in the pre-gowning area.  No cardboard, paper, or any kind of particulate-generating materials of any kind are allowed in the gowning room.

(2)   Also please do not enter the gowning room through the first air-shower and then remove an outer garment, such as a sweater or sweatshirt, in the gowning room.  This defeats the purpose of the first air shower in that your outer garment that you removed has been cleaned by the air shower, but your secondary garment has not.  By removing the outer garment in the gowning room you have violated the protocol to have all street clothes exposed to the pre-gowning air shower.

Thanks for your attention to this.  This will help keep our pristine facility ultra-clean for supporting world-class research.

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