[BNC-all] E-news for the week of June 1st

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri May 29 14:05:33 EDT 2015

Morgan Poster Lab

Summer hours for the Morgan Poster Lab are Monday - Friday, 2 - 5 pm.

Notre Dame Competition in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, and Campus Tour

The  5th NDConnect nanoscience and nanoengineering undergrad research contest will be held at Notre Dame This fall. Finalists in the contest will receive an expenses-paid trip to Notre Dame to present their research findings in the fall and compete for $6,000 in prizes. The proposal deadline is June 15, and the application process is easy. For more information please visit http://nano.nd.edu/news/ndconnect-2015/
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