[BNC-all] E-news for the week of May 11th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri May 8 15:57:22 EDT 2015

Cleanroom Chemical Clean-Out
Process Scientist Position
Proper Use of Hoods
Suss Wafer Bonder
VB6 Update

Cleanroom Chemical Clean-Out

Ira has taken this week to retrieve old chemicals from the cleanroom and prepare them for disposal.  These are chemicals that were over 5 years old.  If you have a need for one or more of these, please see Ira within the next two weeks.  At the end of the two weeks, Ira will work with REM to permanently dispose of the remaining old chemicals.

Do NOT use the mesh coffee cups in the Keurig machine, it is tearing the machine up. If this continues the machine will have to be removed.


Effective Immediately If you need to ship something via UPS or FedEx please pick up the forms in the Business Office (Room 1014).  We need to approve the account you intend to use to pay for the cost of shipping the item, initial the form and then it can be taken to Mary Jo for shipment.  If you have questions about the account we can help you, if you have questions about how to ship something Mary Jo will be the person to see.

We are trying to ensure that the correct accounts are being used prior to shipping.  Thank you in advance!

Donna Brown
Business Manager

Process Scientist Position

We're very pleased that we have hired a replacement for our process scientist (Aamer Mahmood), and he starts on May 18th.  Dr. Nithin Raghunathan will be joining our team in this role and will be available to help coach and mentor users through processing questions and options, as well as doing processing work himself.  We eagerly welcome Nithin to the team!

Proper Use of Hoods

A user noted that improper use of fume hoods and the lack of maintaining them has gotten worse recently.  Please remember that users should clean up after themselves and leave the hoods in a good, clean, and uncluttered condition for the next user . . . just like any other piece of research equipment.  Also the ventilation holes on the fume-hood deck should not be blocked as these are for proper air-flow for safely handling chemical fumes.  Steve will continue to re-emphasize this in the BNC 150 training.


A field service engineer worked with us this week to repair and restore the plasma etchers.  However STS ASE#1 was found to have a power supply issue, and a replacement PS is being ordered.  The other systems are ready for processing.

Suss Wafer Bonder

A field service engineer from Suss worked with us this week and repaired the SB6E bonder.  Serial communications for Z-axis control and a vacuum problem were found and fixed, and it is now ready for use.

VB6 Update

Raith/Vistec company executives met with Birck leadership last week, and have agreed to send a field service engineer here next week to get the VB6 operational again.  Please see Bill Rowe next week to monitor the progress being made on the repair of the system.

Dear Colleagues,
I just want to attract your attention to two XPS workshop coming in May, 2015. I believe every research group using or planning to use Surface Analysis characterization tools should have at least one trained student.

1) Introduction to XPS workshop - What you should know about X-ray pohotoelectron spectroscopy (https://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_2aEjFISmtrn3IlD), May 19-20 @ 9:00 AM - BRK 1001.

Course Description: XPS is widely used to determine the chemical composition of a surface (element concentrations, chemical states, lateral and depth distributions, etc.). Nowadays XPS has become a standard technique for the characterization of solid surface. The course will teach how and what information can be provided by XPS.

2) XPS Lite Workshop Introduction to CasaXPS (https://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_4ON5fLuUSipSyuV), May 26-27 @ 9:00 AM - BRK 1001.

Course Description: XPS is widely used to determine the chemical composition of a surface (element concentrations, chemical states, lateral and depth distributions, etc.). Nowadays XPS has become a standard technique for the characterization of solid surface. however, XPS data require thorough analysis, and dedicated software is used for data analysis. Purdue University has a site license for CasaXPS allowing complete analysis XPS data. The course aims to teach (1) what analysis should be applied to raw XPS data and (2) how this can be done using CasaXPS. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of XPS data using CasaXPS will be discussed in detail as well. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops to follow data analysis using CasaXPS.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Best regards,
Dmitry Zemlyanov, PhD

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