[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of Jan. 19

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Jan 16 18:24:59 EST 2015

All-User Meetings
New Process Meetings

All-User Meetings

Please don’t forget:

The annual All User meeting is scheduled for January 21st  and 22nd . You must attend one of the sessions.
Location: Lily Hall 1-105 at 7:00pm for both dates.

If you do not attend your laboratory and cleanroom access will be removed. Please make sure you attend.

New Process Meetings

A user commented that the process meetings with staff provide a very valuable way to help guide users through processes that they want to accomplish in the cleanroom.  The staff engineers are very pleased to be able to offer their experience and expertise to help new users with their processes.  Please schedule your process discussion meeting with our staff engineer, Kenny Schwartz:  kfschwar at purdue.edu<mailto:kfschwar at purdue.edu>.


The Vistec VB-6 has experienced a particularly tough problem for several days.  The video is the issue, so alignment can’t be done without the video image.  The Vistec field service engineer is on-site and has swapped 15 different PCBs to try to isolate the problem, but the root cause has not yet been found.  He continues to work on the problem, so the VB-6 will still be available for writings but not alignment.  We anticipate the problem to be resolved sometime next week.

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