[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of Feb. 23rd

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 20 14:37:22 EST 2015

Postdoctoral Position

When events are taking place in Birck that you are not a participant of do NOT help yourself the refreshments being served. This is extremely rude behavior that happens often and does not give a good image of the Center.

The refrigerator will be cleaned out on Thursday Feb 26 in the afternoon. Anything that looks old or bad will be trashed. Container and all unless your name is on it.

Postdoctoral Position
A postdoctoral position in cell nanomechanics is available immediately in the laboratory for Prof. Arvind Raman in the Birck Nanotechnology Center. For more information on this position please visit: http://jobs.newscientist.com/en-gb/job/1401555292/postdoctoral-position-at-purdue-university-s-birck-nanotechnology-center-west-lafayette-in-/#<http://jobs.newscientist.com/en-gb/job/1401555292/postdoctoral-position-at-purdue-university-s-birck-nanotechnology-center-west-lafayette-in-/%23>


OSA Traveling Lecturer Seminar 2015
Alexey V. Akimov
Leader of Quantum Simulators Integrated Optics group at Russian Quantum Center & Research Scientist at Harvard University
Towards light-spin interface for NV center in diamond
Monday, February 23rd at 11:00 am in Birck 2001
For more information please visit: https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/calendar/details/1126

Zhe-Yu Ou
Professor of Physics at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Non-Traditional Interferometers for Quantum Metrology
Wednesday, February 25th at 2:00 pm in Birck 2001
For more information please visit: https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/calendar/details/1128

BNC Seminar
Dr. Lin Cheng, US Army Research Laboratory, Texas Tech University and North Carolina State University
Unit Operations of Nanomanufacturing
Thursday, March 5th at 10:30 am in Birck 2001
For more information please visit: https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/calendar/details/1122


The video problems have been resolved as we reported last week.  However we believe the system has been hacked from the outside, and the Vistec field service people are working on the control software via a remote connection to find and fix the software issues.  We hope to have this resolved in a very short time.  Also, some users have noted that it is difficult to get time on the machine due to it always being reserved by a small number of users.  We're revisiting our entire recharge scenario and this issue will be discussed.

Recently a very large project involving multiple groups across campus has required a large amount of VB-6 write time.  The latest chips were written two days ago and it is anticipated that the VB-6 requirements for this particular project will be relaxed for a while, allowing other users on the machine.

As always, thanks for your constructive feedback!


Do you work in a cleanroom?
Do you plan to work in a cleanroom after graduation?
Are you curious about how a cleanroom works?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, register for the workshop on CLEANROOMS offered by John Weaver on the morning of Thursday, March 26, 2015. Registration is free for Purdue faculty and students, and it will be held right here in the Birck Nanotechnology Center room 1001. Contact Jaime Turner to register.

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