[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of February 9th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 6 14:34:18 EST 2015

Birck Nanotechnology Website
Cleanroom Workshop
Tote Reminder

Birck Nanotechnology Website
A couple of errors have been discovered on the Birck website, and we're in the process of getting those corrected.  If you see additional problems or erroneous information please let us know so that we may correct the information.  The Birck website is our 'marketing tool' to internal and external users and potential users so we need to make sure the information is accurate.

Cleanroom Workshop

Cleanrooms: Using Cleanrooms to Control Particle Contamination
Presented by John R. Weaver
March 26th from 8 am to Noon in Birck 1001
To register please email Jaime Turner at jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu>
For more information please visit: https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/calendar/details/1115

Please remember if you are going out to smoke you must be 30 feet from the building. Also please dispose of your cigarette in a proper receptacle, the grounds crew should not be held responsible to pick them up.

Tote Reminder
Please remember to return your cleanroom tote to the storage rack before you exit the cleanroom.  This helps us keep the cleanroom bays neat and orderly, and eliminates crowding and trip hazards.

The VB-6 display issues have been solved thanks to Albany College of New York.  They sent us an entire 'electronics crate' from their VB-6 to replace the one in our system.  This solved the video issue, and while the field service engineer was here this week we also upgraded the computer and software.

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