[BNC-all] BNC E-news for the week of August 31st

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 31 11:12:50 EDT 2015


The vacuum issue remains a difficult problem to solve.  Two different field service engineers have been working on it for two weeks and have yet to find the root cause.  They continue to address the issue so please watch the upper atrium display for status updates.

Survey Feedback

Older Equipment:  We realize that some of our equipment is old and therefore is one or more generations behind the current state-of-the-art.  We have a 15-year equipment upgrade & replacement plan which is updated periodically, and it was just refreshed within the last two weeks.  We like to keep this current because funding new equipment can come almost any time from a variety of sources, including new faculty start-up packages, gifts to the university, newly won grants, etc.  Our very expensive specialty equipment is included on this list and we're ready when funding sources are identified.

Barriers to Entry:  A comment was made that getting started at Birck sometimes seems burdensome and difficult.  We have tried to make the process smooth and streamlined.  For example, new users can get all of their required training (105, 150, and 206) all done in one day.  We would be very pleased to hear any and all ideas on how to make this process better for all new users.

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