[BNC-all] NSAC coffee hour presentation sign-up form

NSAC nsac at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 23 10:53:20 EDT 2014

Dear All:

The Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC) is currently accepting
volunteers who would like to present their research in the BNC atrium
during NSAC's coffee hour (every Friday at 3:30PM).

In the diverse and rapidly developing field of Nanotechnology, it is useful
for researchers to have a broad exposure beyond their immediate research
projects. To ensure this, NSAC organizes a coffee hour session on Fridays
during which time researchers (grad/undergrad students, post docs, staff
scientists/engineers) at Birck with different research backgrounds present
their research to other students, faculty and staff, over a cup of coffee.

Anyone interested in presenting their work can signup for one or more of
the available slots using the link below:


We also appeal to the faculty to encourage their group members to consider
presenting their research during NSAC’s coffee hour.

Thank you,

NSAC Officers
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