[BNC-all] BNC E-news for the week of Nov. 10th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 31 14:13:42 EDT 2014

User Survey

If you move any conference room chair you need to put it back in the correct room when finished.

On Monday, November 10th 20 parking spaces will be reserved for the Pet Bird Workshop.

User Survey

Electron Beam Lithography

One user asked about modifying the VB6 databases.  We have been monitoring them over time as the electron gun experiences normal drift and degradation.  The total dose is still controlled, but the gun has changed enough to warrant new databases being created.  When the video issue is resolved on the system and it stabilizes, Bill will undertake the tasks of creating new databases for the present gun performance.  At some point in the future a new gun will be required, but this is probably at least 6 months away.

Also, a comment was made that it continues to be difficult to schedule the VB6 because it is under great demand.  We track uptime and usage in Coral, and the following plot shows the Raith and VB6 uptime and use percentages for the past 6 months.  Please note that, on average, both are used less than 30% of the time.  It is helpful if reservations that are made and can't be used to be cancelled in order to free up the systems for other users.

[cid:image001.png at 01CFF514.DE210250]

[cid:image002.png at 01CFF514.DE210250]

Etch Tools

We have had several problems with our etch tools.  The AOE lost a turbo pump and other components.  The new turbo pump is installed and pulling good vacuum, but the He pressure sensor is now causing problems.  We continue to work on this every day with the help of the field service engineer.  Until the AOE is brought back online please consider using the Panasonic for your oxide etches.  The ASE2 is back online and operational for Si etches.  ASE1 has mechanical pump issues and a new chiller is being installed, so please use the ASE2 for now.

Thanks for your feedback, and please keep your suggestions and comments coming.


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