[BNC-all] Tour of Argonne National Lab

NSAC nsac at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 29 15:04:38 EDT 2014

Dear BRK Community,

NSAC would like to invite you to a tour of Argonne National Lab on Saturday,
November 15 . Tour highlights will include:

*The Advanced Photon Source (APS)* : provides the brightest high-energy
X-ray beams to more than 6,000 scientists each year.

*The Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System*(ATLAS): the world's first ion
accelerator using superconducting devices for the energy gain.

*The Nuclear Energy Exhibit:* showcases Argonne's rich heritage in the
development of nuclear reactors and its current role in the development of
next-generation reactors and fuel cycle technologies.

Preliminary Schedule
10am (EST) -- Leave Purdue
11:30am (CST) -- Lunch
12:45pm (CST) -- Arrive at Argonne

1pm - 4pm (CST) -- Tour of Argonne
5pm (CST) -- Dinner
6:30pm (CST) -- Head back to Purdue

If you are interested, please respond via this link:

Non-U.S. citizens are welcome, but you must fill out this form by
Wednesday November
&tour_group=PurdueUniversity . Non-U.S. citizens should also scan and email
copies of their INS documents, such as permanent resident card or passport
and visa and either their DS-2019 or I-20 document, whichever is
applicable. The list and any documents should be emailed to
patcanaday at anl.gov.

Further information regarding transportation will be sent later.
NSAC will be covering transportation cost.

We hope to see you there!

NSAC Officers

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