[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of October 20th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 20 14:53:03 EDT 2014

Atrium Display
Pumpkin Carving Party
Sunrise Award

Atrium Display

New:  Down Equipment Summary on the Upper Atrium Display

In an effort to communicate better with the user community on the status of down equipment, we're starting an activity that will put more information on the upper atrium big-screen display.  We will put the down equipment name, why it is down, the estimated time for repair, and the responsible staff engineer.  We believe this will provide users with valuable information regarding the off-line equipment and a way to better plan around the time it is anticipated to be returned to service.  After we begin this communication next week we would certainly welcome feedback on the usefulness of this approach, and we would like to hear any suggestions on how to improve the information.


Pumpkin Carving Party
Please join us for a pumpkin carving party in the atrium at 3:30 pm on Friday, October 24th. A limited number of pumpkins will be purchased and distributed on a first come first serve basis. We have some decorating supplies but please feel free to bring your own. The pumpkins will be on displayed for 1 week. Please stop by the display and vote monetarily for your favorite. The money will be used for fun activities held in Birck.

William Phillip
Functional Membrane Materials: Opportunities in Water Treatment
Friday, October 24th at 9:30 am in ARMS 1109

Dr. Tao Sun
Multiscale and multimodal x-ray imaging techniques for materials structural characterization
Monday, October 27th at 3:45 pm in ARMS 1010

Sunrise Award
Message on behalf of Suresh V. Garimella and Alan H. Rebar

Nominations are being sought for the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships (EVPRP) Sunrise Award.  The award is intended to recognize those individuals who go above and beyond the stated responsibilities of their positions to advance the mission and vision of Purdue University.  All EVPRP and Discovery Park staff members are eligible.  Please see the attached award description sheet for more information.

Please submit nominations by Monday, November 10, 2014, to C. Tanner/EVPRP/HOVD; be sure to include supporting documents (letters, recommendations, etc.) with your submission.  The awards will be presented during our Recognition Reception in December.

We emphasize, as we do every year, that this is an important opportunity to recognize our outstanding staff, and ask that you give careful consideration to your nomination.

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