[BNC-all] Power Bump

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Wed Jun 11 10:53:53 EDT 2014


Campus took a major power bump that restarted most of our local building systems.  Wade power plant lost 1 boiler and 2 large chillers, but they are in the process of starting all chillers at the satellite chiller plant.  We lost steam to the building which means we will not have ambient temperature and humidly control for the offices, cleanroom, and lab areas.

The forecasted from campus utility department is that chilled water will recover soon (if there are no major issues) and steam will recover later.  We may be looking at 2-3 hours before systems are normal.

I will keep you posted.



Mark Voorhis
Building Manager
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Office: (765) 494-3036

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