[BNC-all] Reminder: NSAC summer undergraduate events [room change: Wed. 07/30 MRGN 112]

NSAC nsac at purdue.edu
Mon Jul 28 21:55:36 EDT 2014

Dear Birck Community,

As part of the Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council's (NSAC) commitment
to enhance professional development and research awareness, we are
organizing two summer events (see descriptions below) geared towards the
undergraduate summer students in Discovery Park. The two events will
provide these future grad students with an opportunity to learn more about
grad school and get to know other researchers outside of their lab.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please re-direct them to the
following links:

*UNDERGRADUATES: If you would like to attend the Q&A session or present a
poster at the symposium, please fill out the form at this link:  *

*GRAD STUDENTS, POST-DOCS, and FACULTY: If you would like to participate as
a panelist or symposium judge, please fill out the form at this link:*

*Grad Student Q&A Panel (30 JUL 2014, Noon-1pm, MRGN 112)* --A panel of
grad students of various research fields who can answer grad school-related
questions for undergrads.

*Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Symposium (06 AUG 2014,
4:30pm-6:30pm, BRK Atrium) -*- A poster/presentation symposium in which
undergraduate students doing research in Discovery Park can present their
findings. Presentations/posters will be evaluated by Discovery Park
researchers (e.g. grad students, post-docs, faculty). Prizes will be
awarded at the end of the event

We hope to see you there!

NSAC Officers
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