[BNC-all] BNC E-news for the week of August 11th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Sat Aug 9 10:33:52 EDT 2014

Cleanroom Citizenship Reminder
Wang Hall Parking

Cleanroom Citizenship Reminder

Dear all cleanroom users,

Please see the email below from Prof. Shakouri.  This was sent out several months ago to remind users about cleanroom citizenship, and now is a good time to show it as a reminder.

Thanks for your great help and cooperation,

Email from Prof. Shakouri:

To: bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu<mailto:bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu>

Subject: [BNC-all] Cleanroom Citizenship issues

To ALL Cleanroom Users

The overall cleanliness and orderliness of the cleanroom has deteriorated over the last several weeks to the point of adversely affecting research and productivity of other users.  As a reminder, all users are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and for leaving their work areas ready for use by others.

Effective immediately, if any user is observed leaving a mess in a hood or near equipment, or leaving an unattended tote not in its proper storage location, they will be subjected to mandatory participation in weekly cleanings for one month, or a one-week suspension of all cleanroom privileges.  This means denied access to the cleanroom for one week.

Ali Shakouri

Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director

Professor of  Electrical and Computer Engineering Birck Nanotechnology Center, Room 1027 Purdue University

1205 West State Street

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057

(765) 496-6105; Fax: (765) 496-8299

Congratulations to our summer graduates James Mitchell, Adam Neal, Seung Hyun Park, Bivas Saha, Bryan Spann and Paul West!

Please remember that you must fill out the purchase request form in full, including an explanation before an order can be made. This is not a new policy. Also a quote, approval and safety approval (for chemicals) is still required. Your order will not be placed or approved without the proper documentation.

I wanted to invite you and anyone from the Discovery Park family to a presentation by John Lechleiter on September 25th from 2:30 to 3:30 at Loeb Theater, in Stewart Hall.  John will be giving a great presentation that will focus on innovation, what it takes, the characteristics of innovative people, and the skills faculty and students need to have, especially if they plan on collaborating with (or even working for) a company.  His speech writer will be sending me the official title and a very short abstract (I hope) by the end of the week.

Please advertise and strongly encourage faculty, staff, undergrad/grad students and post docs to attend because I really want to make a strong showing on behalf of Purdue.

Many thanks in advance.


Geanie Umberger, PhD, MSPH, RPh
Assistant Vice President for Industry Research
Office of Industry Research and Partnerships
Purdue University
Phone (765) 496-3723

Lunch & Learn Seminar
Optical Specifications Basics by Anna Wang, Newport Corporation
Hosted by OSA Purdue Student Chapter
Tuesday, August 26th from 12 pm to 1 pm in Birck 2001
For more information see posted flyers or contact Zun (Andy)Huang (zun at purdue.edu<mailto:zun at purdue.edu>), President, Optical Society of America Purdue Chapter.

Wang Hall Parking
As we near the completion of Wang Hall, I would like to review the parking lot regulations we have going forward.  The Wang Hall lot is for authorized personnel only.  All students and faculty are required to park in the parking garage or other designated areas outside the lot.  Vendors and contractors will be allowed to park by permit only.  Patrons of the future retail space will be allowed to park in the lot for up to one hour.  Our team will be monitoring this every work day to insure every authorized person will have a place to park.  If we find unauthorized vehicles, we will tag them and document the license plate. The next time we will have it towed.  With the school year beginning, please help us by advising all your staff and students to follow the guidelines going forward.  Our goal is to keep your building running smoothly and making the tenants and patrons experience here a positive one.   We are all learning together as we move forward to make this work for everyone, so if you have any questions, please contact me.
 Thank you,
 Dennis E. Lord
Purdue Research Park
Senior Facilities Director
Purdue Research Foundation
1281 Win Hentschel Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47906
PH: 765-588-3382
FX: 765-463-3217
delord at prf.org<mailto:delord at prf.org>

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