[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of April 28th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 25 15:56:01 EDT 2014

Graduation Party
Lab Reminder
Preliminary Exam
Survey Feedback

Graduation Party
Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our Spring 2014 graduating class.
Friday, May 2nd at 3:30 pm Birck Atrium
Cake will be served.
If you are graduating and have not yet told Heather (hanthrop at purdue.edu<mailto:hanthrop at purdue.edu>) please do so as soon as possible.

Lab Reminder
Lab Users,

With summer and warmer weather please remember long pants/ skirt and closed toed shoes are required in labs. This is for your safety and those around you. Just a reminder.

Safety Manager

Preliminary Exam
Mohammad Abu Khater
Thursday, May 1st at 10:30 am Birck 2001
Monitoring and Control of Evanescent-Mode Cavity Filters
For more information please visit: https://engineering.purdue.edu/Intranet/Groups/Schools/ECE/Admin/PublicitemsforFacultyandStaff/MondayMemos/MondayMemoArchives/MondayMemoArchives2013-2014/related/Abu%20Khater_Mohammad_prelim.pdf

Survey Feedback

A special thank-you to all users who have provided feedback on the surveys we recently implemented.  These surveys are proving to be extremely valuable to help us improve the operations and engineering here at Birck.  We plan to regularly answer a subset of the inquiries and suggestions in the Friday newsletter.

Nikon Microscope Calibrations:

Bill Rowe and Mike Courtney checked the calibrations on the Nikon microscopes this week.  In the programs they have labeled the calibrations 5x Calib 2/21/14, 10x Calib 2/21/14, etc.  They have  verified the calibrations for each lens on each system, and they will check calibrations each Monday and record the results.  If a lens needs recalibration they will then change the calibration data in the log they're keeping.   Also, the Nomarski filters are all located at the microscopes.  Please be careful with the Nomarski filters and make sure you store them in the plastic box when not in use.

Resist Thickness Control:

Mike posted the spin speed curves for AZ 1518 and AZ 9260 in the spinner solvent hoods.

Aligner Optics:

We're obtaining quotes to upgrade the optics and tune-up the MJB aligners.  One consideration is to eliminate the split field on the MJB3_1 . . . we would certainly like input from the user group on this idea.

Thanks again for the feedback, keep the suggestions coming.


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