[BNC-all] BNC Distinguished Seminar 4/7, 11am-12noon , MRGN 121

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Sun Apr 6 05:32:48 EDT 2014

Dear All,

We have a special seminar on Monday April 7th 11am-12noon in Burton Morgan 121. Dr. Jo DoBoeck, CTO and Senior Vice President of IMEC (Microelectronic research center in Belgium) will talk about "Ultimate devices for a sustainable society" (see below the abstract). IMEC is one of the most successful research centers/ industry consortia focusing on advancing nanoelectronics and flexible electronics (through Holst Center) enabling new applications in healthcare, energy and wireless sensors/networks.  I encourage you to attend this seminar.

Best regards,

"BNC Distinguished Seminar Series"

April 7, 2014 @ 11:00am

Jo De Boeck
CTO and Senior Vice President, IMEC Corporate

Title: Ultimate devices for a sustainable society.

Abstract: The global industry is striving to make solutions that will make the world a better, more sustainable place. In life sciences, innovative tools are needed which will transform the way we conduct life science research, diagnose illnesses and treat patients. Tools that will lead to a sustainable healthcare system for everyone, everywhere. In communication, we need solutions that will allow us to cope with the exponential growth in data and required computation. Solutions that will lead to a whole new range of unthinkable applications that increase our well-being and welfare. In every aspect of our life, innovative solutions can lead to a more comfortable, safer and sustainable live. All these solutions have one thing in common: enormous complexity. Complexity that cannot be solved when we stick to our own expertise. Nanoelectronics will be the core of all these future innovations. But it's clear that we need to venture beyond our borders to make true innovation happen. We need to converge disciplines and technologies, a sum of minds.

Bio: Jo De Boeck received his engineering degree in 1986 and his PhD degree in 1991 from the University of Leuven. Since 1991 he is a staff member of imec (Leuven). He has been a NATO Science Fellow at Bellcore (USA, 1991-92) and AST-fellow in the Joint Research Center for Atom Technology (Japan, 1998). In his research career, he has been leading activities on integration of novel materials at device level and new functionalities at systems level. In 2003 he became Associate Vice President at IMEC for the Microsystems division and in 2005 started Holst Centre (Eindhoven) and became CEO of IMEC-Netherlands. From 2009 to 2011 he headed imec's unit Smart Systems and Energy Technology as Senior Vice President in the imec group. In 2011 he was appointed CTO of imec corporate. He is part-time professor at the KU Leuven and visiting professor at the TU Delft.

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