[BNC-all] Purchasing Transition from SRM to Ariba

Brown, Donna J brown746 at purdue.edu
Thu Sep 19 15:40:48 EDT 2013

Hello All,

This is an important message to anyone who does purchasing in SRM.  The go-live date for Ariba is October 14th.  We all must be ready to input orders into the new system on that date.  SRM will be shut off and no new ordering will be allowed after that date.  Please make sure that you sign up for training.  I have attached your training options below.  There is a SRM Shutdown Schedule for SRM (also attached), as of October 4th we will have limited access to SRM.  We will only be able to make purchases the are with preferred vendors.  So please plan accordingly, if you have items that you can order ahead please do so. We will be unable to place any orders in SRM that require Purchasing Agent approval.   If you have a question about what vendors you can order from during this time please send me an email with questions.  I will quickly respond to you.  We want to make this a smooth transition for all.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

A number of online resources are available for those individuals who prefer not to take the live training. Quick Reference Cards and recorded simulations are on the Business at Purdue site under Procurement-->Ariba<https://spa.itap.purdue.edu/Business/businessatpurdue/Pages/ariba.aspx>.

The following courses are offered multiple times starting as early as Sept. 26, and dates and locations are listed at the links. For all of these courses, the roles mentioned, as defined currently in SRM, will transfer directly to Ariba.
P2P 150 - Receiving in Ariba
Audience: Receivers.
Description: This 90-minute class will have 60 minutes of lecture/demonstration on receiving and 30 minutes reserved for Q&A.
Link for enrollment: https://www.eventreg.purdue.edu/training/CourseListing.asp?master_id=4064&master_version=1&course_area=BSTC&course_number=252&course_subtitle=ILT
P2P 200 - Creating a Requisition in Ariba
Audience: Requesters.
Description: This two-hour, hands-on class will meet in a computer lab. Participants will use a training environment to Create Catalog and Non-Catalog Requisitions, Monitor Requisition Status and how to Withdraw or Edit a Requisition.
Link for enrollment: https://www.eventreg.purdue.edu/training/CourseListing.asp?master_id=4026&master_version=1&course_area=BSTC&course_number=248&course_subtitle=ILT

The revised dates are as follows:

SRM Shutdown Schedule
revised Sept. 13, 2013


Deadline for
West Lafayette campus (EDT)

Regional campus information

Purchases > $10,0000 - contact Procurement Staff<mailto:pshelpdesk at purdue.edu> for direction

Effective immediately

Calumet - contact your purchasing dept<mailto:procurement at purduecal.edu>.
IPFW - contact your purchasing dept.
North Central - contact Liz Depew<mailto:edepew at pnc.edu>

Purchases < $10,000 with preferred vendor, no vendor or $0 line item shopping cart must be fully fiscally approved and in the purchaser's worklist

Oct. 4

Calumet - contact your purchasing dept<mailto:procurement at purduecal.edu>.
IPFW - contact your purchasing dept.
North Central - contact Liz Depew<mailto:edepew at pnc.edu>

Requisitioner role will be removed - requisitioners will not be able to create shopping carts after the deadline

6 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 10

Same as WL campus

All shopping carts must be through the entire workflow by the deadline. Approver role will be removed
(any shopping carts in an approver's inbox after deadline must be rejected)

Friday, Oct. 11

Same as WL campus

Procurement professionals (sourcing cockpit must be cleared out) all PO's must be created by the deadline

Friday, Oct. 11

Same as WL campus

Clear any PO not in ordered status (e.g. held, awaiting approval, error in process, release rejected) - WL Procurement staff/ITEA staff

3 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 11

Same as WL campus

Turn off transmissions

5 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 11

Same as WL campus

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