[BNC-all] BNC E-news for the week of October 21st

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 18 13:00:03 EDT 2013

2014 Medical Plan Presentations
Sunrise Award Nominations

Volunteer Request

**2014 Medical Plan Presentations**

OVPR/DP will offer two sessions to explain the 2014 medical plan options.  Each session will last approximately 90 minutes and will include a presentation by Benefits along with a question and answer session.  Please plan to attend, if possible.

Wednesday, October 23, 9-10:30am, MRGN 121
"Is a High-Deductible Medical Plan Your Best Choice?" covers how a high-deductible medical plan with a health savings account (HSA) works. The session explores questions people commonly have when considering a move to a high-deductible medical plan and looks at the advantages of an HSA.

If you are not able to attend these sessions, Benefits will add recorded versions of these presentations to their website this week.  Pease visit www.purdue.edu/benefits<http://www.purdue.edu/benefits>.


Professor Dana Weinstein
Thursday, October 24th
MRGN 121 at 2:00 pm
For more information: http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/events/view.php?id=1419

**Sunrise Award Nominations**
Nominations are being sought for the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) Sunrise Award.  The award is intended to recognize those individuals who go above and beyond the stated responsibilities of their positions to advance the mission and vision of Purdue University.  All OVPR and Discovery Park staff members are eligible.  Please see the attached award description sheet for more information.

Please submit nominations by Monday, November 11, 2013, to C. Tanner/DP/HOVD; be sure to include supporting documents (letters, recommendations, etc.) with your submission.  The awards will be presented during our Recognition Reception in December.

We emphasize, as we do every year, that this is an important opportunity to recognize our outstanding staff, and ask that you give careful consideration to your nomination.

**Volunteer Request**

 Students with more than three years cleanroom or laboratory experience in nanotechnology
Research Triangle Institute (RTI), on behalf of the U.S. Department of Labor, is soliciting your expert input as it researches the  Nano-technicians occupation for the Occupational Information Network, or O*NET (http://www.doleta.gov/programs/onet/), the nation's primary source of occupational information.
O*NET is gathering this information for a national database that is being used by millions of employers, workers, educators and students across the country. This database provides information about the skills, abilities, activities, and work context for about 900 occupations nationwide.
As senior-level students working in the nanotechnology field, you can provide essential information about Nano-technician jobs. This is a worthwhile endeavor that will help the general public understand the responsibilities of the occupation. By completing and returning the O*NET questionnaires, you will contribute to a key resource, providing our nation's citizens with continuously updated occupational information. Responses from experts such as yourself will be combined to define the skills, knowledge and other aspects of work in your field.
O*NET is currently researching the knowledge required, the way the work is performed, and typical work settings for the following occupation:
Nanotechnology Engineering Technicians: (O*NET SOC # 17-3029.62) Operate commercial-scale production equipment to produce, test, or modify materials, devices, or systems of molecular or macromolecular composition. Work under the supervision of nanosystems engineers or technologists.
While your role at the Birck Nanotechnology Center is a little different, you have a strong knowledge base that will provide the Department of Labor with critical information about the job skills required.
To participate in this important survey, please email or call Jim Rose at the O*NET Operations Center at RTI (jrose at onet.rti.org<mailto:tdavis at onet.rti.org> or 877-233-7348, ext. 121) and provide the following information:
Nanotechnology Engineering Technician:
Daytime Phone/Address:
Email Address:
Years of experience with the occupation:
Your area of focus, sub-specialty or industry:

Mr. Rose will respond with more specific information about the project. The information experts provide about the occupation will be combined with responses from other professionals from across the country and will become the government reference for the work on www.onetcenter.org. Contact information submitted by experts will be kept private. More information about O*NET can be found here<http://www.onetcenter.org/>.

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