[BNC-all] Coffee/Ice Tea hour TODAY 3:30pm in the BNC Atrium

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Fri Aug 23 13:34:31 EDT 2013

Dear all,

Please join us today in the atrium at 3:30pm - 4:30pm for a combined BNC/NSAC coffee/ice tea social hour.  NSAC will be providing the ice tea for the social hour as well as biscuits today.  Please remember to give them a big thanks while there!

Every Friday during the fall and spring semester we will have this combined social hour.  The coffee for it come from donations, the K-cups for this week's coffee hour have been donated by a BNC faculty and staff member.

In order to keep these social hours alive and be able to enjoy a cup of coffee we ask that any BNC faculty or staff who would like to donate K-cups for it please do so by either 1) bringing a box(s) of K-cups to Jaime Turner (BRK 1027) or 2) donating money for them and Jaime can go buy the K-cups.

Thank you and we hope to see you there!

Jaime Turner
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
1205 West State STreet
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
(765) 494-3509
jjturner at purdue.edu

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