[BNC-all] NSAC trip to the Argonne National Lab - Energy Showcase

Mike Shalaginov shalaginov at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 5 01:15:28 EDT 2012

NSAC would like to invite you to attend the Argonne National Lab Energy
Showcase Trip on Saturday Sept 15, 2012.

The Energy Showcase will feature interactive demos, exhibits and tours,
giving attendees a unique opportunity to mingle with prominent energy
researchers and innovators within a hands-on atmosphere. This is a great
opportunity to learn more about Argonne's research and talk with leading
experts at the laboratory.

We will be registering as a group. You do not need to register individually
at the event website.

The details of this event can be found here:


Please RSVP to the following link by Sept 8 so we know whom to expect:


Further information regarding transportation will be sent later.

Mikhail Shalaginov
Committee member of NSAC
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