[BNC-all] BNC E-News – Announcement of Seminars and Workshops

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri Nov 16 14:25:11 EST 2012

Dear all,

We are trying to cut down on the amount of emails being sent out to BNCall, therefore we will be sending out a weekly announcement each Friday, advertising the upcoming week’s seminar and workshops.

We are also keeping our BNC website up-to-date with all upcoming events/workshops and this is where we will get the information to distribute the weekly BNC E-News announcement, therefore when you have an upcoming seminar please send the notice to Heather Anthrop (hanthrop at purdue.edu<mailto:hanthrop at purdue.edu>) who is uploading them to the website and sending out the weekly notices.

****Note that in order for your seminar announcement to get distributed you will need to get it to Heather the Thursday (5pm) before the week of the seminar so it can get put in the announcement on time****


Monday, November 19th

Sanjiv Sinha Seminar
Selected Studies in Elector-Thermal Transport Physics and Engineering
Birck 1001 at 11:00 am

W. Mike Arnold Seminar
Studies of Particle Size and Aggregation Using a Tunable Nanopore
Birck 2001 at 3:00 pm

Thursday, November 22nd

Thanksgiving Holiday – University Closed

Friday, November 23rd

Thanksgiving Holiday – University Closed

Thank you,
Heather Anthrop

Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

(765) 494-7053

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