[BNC-all] Cleanroom Citizenship issues

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Thu May 10 11:29:47 EDT 2012

To ALL Cleanroom Users

The overall cleanliness and orderliness of the cleanroom has deteriorated over the last several weeks to the point of adversely affecting research and productivity of other users.  As a reminder, all users are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and for leaving their work areas ready for use by others.

Effective immediately, if any user is observed leaving a mess in a hood or near equipment, or leaving an unattended tote not in its proper storage location, they will be subjected to mandatory participation in weekly cleanings for one month, or a one-week suspension of all cleanroom privileges.  This means denied access to the cleanroom for one week.

Ali Shakouri
Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director
Professor of  Electrical and Computer Engineering
Birck Nanotechnology Center, Room 1027
Purdue University
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
(765) 496-6105; Fax: (765) 496-8299
shakouri at purdue.edu

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