[BNC-all] New Jipelec RTA open for use

Hosler, Daniel A dhosler at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 5 09:13:16 EST 2012

I am happy to announce the new Rapid Thermal Annealer (RTA) is open for training.

This new RTA resides in R-Bay of the cleanroom, and has many improved capabilities over the old RTA systems.  It has 4 process gases, atmospheric or vacuum capability, thermocouple or pyrometer temperature control, and also a maximum temperature of 1200°C (for a very short period of time).

Please e-mail me at dhosler at purdue.edu for training or for more information.  If you would like training, I will send you the Standard Operating Procedure for review, and we will also discuss your process requirements.

Thank you,
  Dan Hosler

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