[BNC-all] Parking restrictions on Airport Road

Weaver, John R jrweaver at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 3 11:43:51 EST 2012

Dear BNC Community -

I was approached by several people about the restriction of parking on Airport Road, and the inconvenience that posed to those working in the BNC. I contacted Parking Services about the issue, and received the following reply from Holly Alexander, who is in charge of parking at the university. Following are key excerpts from her reply. Please note that she has made the option of a "C" permit available to certain students who have parking needs that they can't otherwise accomplish.


John R. Weaver
Facility Manager
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
(765) 494-5494
jrweaver at purdue.edu

Airport Road is a state road and parking should never have been allowed there.  Over the years, it was overlooked as Purdue owns the land on both sides of it.  Parking was manageable then.

With the onset of the 231 project, the traffic has increased in this area. Also with the new permit requirement at the airport this year, some students that didn't want to buy a permit, also started parking on Airport Road. It has become a safety concern and Chief John Cox decided it was time to have the state sign the road as No Parking during the peak traffic hours.  The parking was getting out of hand as with no signage, people were parking anywhere. (frontwards, backwards, sideways)  There was no order and no ability to enforce without the signage.

If students have a real need for a C permit (and live too close) I do write exceptions for those.  I require a letter from the student and/or the advisor/professor.  If there are no other solutions, I'll allow them to purchase a permit if they live within the 1.5 mile boundary. Students may also ride CityBus for free by showing their Purdue ID.  Some students now ride Citybus to campus and home at the end of the day and then bring their car back to campus to park free after 5:00 if they need to be on campus late/later.

The bottom line is that campus visitors/Fac/Staff/Students need a permit to park on campus unless they park in the Grant Street garage (pay garage) or use a meter.

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