[BNC-all] COMMUNICATION: Parking and Building Access Modifications near BIND, BRK, MANN, and TERY

Totten, Mary J tottenm at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 27 11:21:07 EDT 2012

From: Terry, Rebecca L
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 10:53 AM
Subject: COMMUNICATION: Parking and Building Access Modifications near BIND, BRK, MANN, and TERY

Communications Announcement
Purdue University - Physical Facilities

TO: Building Deputies (Please distribute)
FR: Physical Facilities
DA: Friday, April 27, 2012
RE: Parking and Building Access Modifications near BIND, BRK, MANN, and TERY

Effective Monday, April 30 in the area near the Bindley Bioscience Center (BIND), Birck Nanotechnology Center (BRK), Mann Hall (MANN), and the Purdue Police Station (TERY), modifications will be made to parking and building access.

Parking Modifications
Parking will be removed from the gravel parking lot south of BRK and from the north half of the parking lot west of Gates Street and immediately south of BIND. Parking will also be removed from the service area between BIND and BRK for the installation and modification of utilities.

Parking Services will be adding additional A and B permit parking spaces to the existing gravel lot just south of the Nimitz Drive and Gates Street intersection.

Building Access
A new access road will be constructed across the south side of the gravel parking lot west of Gates Street that will continue from the southwest corner of the parking lot west to the paved area south of BRK for delivery access.

A new access road will be constructed from the gravel parking lot south of TERY north to the drive that services the MANN loading dock and the back door of TERY.

The north-south sidewalk along the east side of BIND will be closed to walking traffic for the duration of this project. All north-south walking traffic will be directed to the north-south sidewalk along the west side of MANN.

The temporary traffic route through the TERY Parking lot will be blocked to through traffic at the west edge of the paved portion of the lot.

For a map of the construction area, visit http://www.purdue.edu/physicalfacilities/maps/Construction%20Map2012Pub.pdf.

Questions can be directed to Dan Pusey, Utilities Engineering, at dipusey at purdue.edu<mailto:dipusey at purdue.edu> or 494-3415.
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