[BNC-all] FW: Scanning Probe microscopy user group seminar series

Black, Nancy Lee blackn at purdue.edu
Thu Sep 1 10:29:22 EDT 2011


Please see the below email announcing the first Purdue university scanning probe microscopy users group seminar of the semester.  I would encourage anyone interested in scanning probe microscope to attend.  Free food will be provided.

Ryan Wagner
Graduate Student Coordinator, PUSPM

Hello all,

The first PUSPM semester of the semester will be held this Friday, September 2nd in the Burton Morgan center room 129.  Pizza will be provided at 11:30 a.m., the talk will begin at noon, and end by 1:00 p.m.. Professor Jason Vaughn Clark (https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECE/People/profile?resource_id=21964) from the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be giving a talk entitled "Towards Calibrating Stiffness, Force, and Displacement of SPMs" please see the below abstract for more information.


Because there is a lack of ASTM measurement standards for the AFM, it is not clear which calibration method in the literature is most accurate. Because the accuracy of the atomic force microscope is unknown, it is difficult to develop predictable models. And due to repeatability issues, two AFMs that measure the same thing will likely return different results. This talk will describe our efforts to address these issues by using self-calibratable MEMS as an accurate, practical, and practical way to calibrate AFMs. Although MEMS suffer from similar calibration problems, we have discovered a way to calibrate MEMS by leveraging off of their sensitive electromechanical attributes. If time permits we will present an innovative large-deflection, multiple-degree-of-freedom piezoelectric manipulator for SPM and nanolithography.

*Semester Schedule*

September 2nd  (MRGN 121)     -   Jason Clack  - Towards Calibrating Stiffness, Force, and Displacement of SPMs
September 16th (MRGN 129)    -   Hank Thompson - Subsurface imaging of nanocomposites with tip biased multifrequency dynamic atomic force microscopy
September 30th (MRGN 129)    -   Open
October 14th      (MRGN 129)    -   Open
October 28th      (MRGN 129)    -   Open
November 11th  (MRGN 129)    -   Open
December 2nd     (MRGN 121)   -   Open

As you can see we still need several speakers to fill up the schedule for the semester.  Anyone interested in volunteering should contact me with a title, abstract, and preferred speaking date.  If you volunteer you can have pizza.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested but is not on this email list.

Ryan Wagner
rbwagner at purdue.edu<mailto:rbwagner at purdue.edu>
Graduate Student Coordinator, PUSPM

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