[BNC-all] FW: Super-Resolution Microscopy Workshop, Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Black, Nancy Lee blackn at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 3 16:19:06 EDT 2011

This message is being sent on behalf of Aaron Taylor, Director, Bioscience Imaging Facility


Super-resolution microscopy is a new class of optical imaging techniques that can achieve sub- 50 nanometer resolution images of fixed, fluorescently-labeled samples.  The Bioscience Imaging Facility is hosting a super-resolution microscopy workshop on Tuesday, February 7th, 10am-5pm.  This workshop will include lectures and demonstration focusing on PALM, STORM, and SIM.  Please consult the attached flyer for more information.

Both Zeiss and Nikon will install their super-resolution microscopy systems at the Biosicence Imaging Facility for this workshop.  These platforms will continue to be available throughout the remainder of February.  This installation offers a special opportunity for researchers to test their own samples at super resolution.  Please take this opportunity to run test samples, while these microscopes are available.  RSVP to Aaron Taylor (abtaylor at purdue.edu) no later than Decemeber 1st, 2011, if you would like to run a test sample.  Special sample preparation and special dyes are required in some cases, so please plan ahead.

Best regards,

Bioscience Imaging Facility
Hansen Building, Room B032
201 S. University Street
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
abtaylor at purdue.edu<mailto:abtaylor at purdue.edu>
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