[BNC-all] Fwd: TSMC 5th Outstanding Student Research Award Announcement

James Cooper cooperj at purdue.edu
Wed May 25 10:20:44 EDT 2011


The TSMC Outstanding Student Research Award is now open.  I encourage all BNC graduate students (and their advisors) to consider applying for this award.  This would bring recognition both to Purdue and to the student, and would certainly add impact to the student's resume when applying for a job!

	-- Jim

Begin forwarded message:

> From: chiangkr at tsmc.com
> Date: May 25, 2011 9:19:15 AM EDT
> To: OSR_Award_Professor at tsmc.com
> Cc: lhweib at tsmc.com
> Subject: TSMC 5th Outstanding Student Research Award Announcement
> Dear Professor,
>    Greeting from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (TSMC)
>    We are officially kicking off the 2011 TSMC Outstanding Student
> Research Award. The purpose of this Award is to recognize exceptional
> student researches carried out in 2010 and 2011 academic year. This is our
> fifth year organizing the Award and the announcement of the Award is
> appended in the electronic folder below.
>   We would like to request for your kind assistance to circulate it among
> graduate students in the colleges of science related field and encourage
> them to apply. We are also hoping that the announcement be posted on notice
> boards for students to view.
>   Applications for the award must be submitted electronically to Andrew
> Chiang, University Relations Office, at chiangkr at tsmc.com latest at
> midnight, July 20, 2011.  I am glad to answer any question the graduate
> students or their advisors may have regarding the award.
> Sincerely,
> Andrew Chiang
> --------------------------------------------
> University Relations Office
> Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd.
> chiangkr at tsmc.com           +886 3-5636688 ex.707 2926
> (See attached file: 5th TSMC OSR Announcement.pdf)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>                                                         TSMC PROPERTY       
> This email communication (and any attachments) is proprietary information   
> for the sole use of its                                                     
> intended recipient. Any unauthorized review, use or distribution by anyone  
> other than the intended                                                     
> recipient is strictly prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient,   
> please notify the sender by                                                 
> replying to this email, and then delete this email and any copies of it     
> immediately. Thank you.                                                     
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

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