[BNC-all] Excessive Heat Warning, Safety and Conservation Measures

Totten, Mary J tottenm at purdue.edu
Wed Jul 20 08:47:39 EDT 2011

From: Riese, Gail A
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 8:36 AM
Subject: Excessive Heat Warning, Safety and Conservation Measures

Communications Announcement
Purdue University - Physical Facilities

TO: Building Deputies [Please distribute.]
FR: Bob Olson, Senior Director, Energy, Engineering and Sustainability
      Carol Shelby, Senior Director, Environmental Health and Public Safety
DA: Wednesday, July 20, 2011
RE: Excessive Heat Warning, Safety and Conservation Measures

An excessive heat warning has been issued for Tippecanoe County. Please take a moment to review the following safety guidelines for extremely warm weather conditions.


Your continued assistance in minimizing cooling demand while maintaining a safe environment in your facility is appreciated. In addition to the curtailment steps that have already been implemented by the Utilities Department, you can help to reduce cooling demand by:

Shutting off lights in unoccupied areas
*       Turning off unnecessary/unused equipment and appliances (computers, coffee pots, etc...)
*       Lowering window shades on the sunny side of the building
Portable fans may be used for the comfort of building occupants where needed.

Thank you in advance for your attention to the safety guidelines for warm weather conditions and for your assistance in minimizing cooling demand.

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