[BNC-all] Network issues at Birck today

Al Mondero mondero at ecn.purdue.edu
Thu Dec 8 16:40:01 EST 2011


We have received reports from various faculty and staff at Birck
in regards to the poor network performance today.  I contacted
ITaP's ITNS (Networks and Security) department to inform them of
this, and late this afternoon I received a reply that the issue was
caused from a bridging loop.  A full-time engineer at ITNS looked
at it, and thinks it should be resolved.

I contacted a handful of staff, and received reports that network
performance is "improved", but that Outlook still popped up messages
that it was still "connecting to exch##.purdue.lcl".

If you would, before you leave for the day, please reboot your PC.
Hopefully, after a reboot on a more stable network environment,
Windows and Outlook will be able to work without the pop-up messages.

If you have any questions, and especially if you are still having
issues tomorrow after rebooting your PC, please let us know via ECN
Trouble Report:  https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECN/TroubleReport/

Al Mondero
System Engineer
Engineering Computer Network, Purdue University

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