[BNC-all] Recycling Program

Totten, Mary J tottenm at purdue.edu
Thu May 20 08:26:07 EDT 2010

Hello Everyone,
   There have been a few questions about the new recycling program that Purdue University has implemented in Birck.  Let me try and clear up a few things, and please come and see us or send us an email if you have any questions.

In the new recycling container you can have:

Office paper is: Neutral color, Non-glossy, and unbound (paper clips and staples are OK.

Mixed recyclables are: Books/notebooks, cans, cardboard, Glossy/bright colored paper, junk mail, magazines, newspapers/ads/inserts, pamphlets/brochures, plastic

Trash is......facial tissues, food waste, liquids, restroom paper, snack wrappers

The new blue container in your offices are for recyclable materials only and has two opening.  The larger opening is for mixed recyclables, and the smaller opening is for office paper.  If you have trash, you must take it to a trash can.  There is a trash can located in every conference room.  Physical Facilities has also placed a trash can in any office area that has more than 5 occupants (graduate student offices and suites).

Thank you for your participation in this campus wide recycling effort.

Thank you,

Mary Jo Totten
Building Logistics Coordinator
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University/Discovery Park
1205 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057

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