[BNC-all] Weekly Memo: 03.15.10

Deborah Starewich deborah_starewich at comcast.net
Fri Mar 12 12:17:20 EST 2010

To ensure you receive your BNC Weekly Memo e-mails, 
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Current issue is at http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html 
The BNC Monday Memo	BNC News 
week of March 15, 2010 


SPRING BREAK 03.15.10 to 03.21.10; classes resume Monday, 03.22.10 . . . ENJOY :) 

HOLD THE DATE! 05.13.10 . . . Birck Graduation Celebration! Details forthcoming. 

All Hazards Siren Test —Wednesday, March 17, 10:15-10:30 a.m. and 7:30-7:45 p.m. 

The All Hazards Emergency Warning Sirens will be tested as part of the State’s Severe Weather Preparedness Week. The test is a good opportunity to review your Building Emergency Plan’s shelter in place procedures. However, no action is required for the test. 

[ Indiana weather news ] [ Purdue news ] 

If there is inclement weather, the test will be postponed until March 18 at the same times as listed. 

Contact the Emergency Preparedness office at 494-0446 if you have questions. 

Subject: New Ambassador needed! 

WorkLife Programs is conducting its annual membership drive to recruit WorkLife Programs Ambassadors for the West Lafayette campus. 

[ More ] 


Lockheed Martin - 2010 University Research Initiative - RFP 

We received a recent announcement from Lockheed Martin informing us of their 2010 University Research Initiative – RFP . Attached please find the Call for Abstracts Instructions (Guidelines), Strategic Technology Threads , and the Abstract Template . 

Considering the potential interest in this solicitation, and in order to comply with Lockheed Martin’s “strongly suggested” recommendation that only three abstracts be submitted by a university, please submit your abstract for this competition to Lisa Muncy at no later than midnight EST on Tuesday, March 30, 2010. If we receive more than three abstracts, we will immediately convene the internal review committee to determine which abstracts may go forward for the April 9, 2010 deadline. This process also will allow us to comply with the sponsor’s request that a single point-of-contact e-mail all abstracts, as this office will assume that responsibility. 

Please contact Sue Grimes (4-5858) or Lisa Muncy (4-0743) if you have questions about this submission process. 

Again, the submission of your abstract needs to be sent to Lisa Muncy no later than midnight EST on Tuesday, March 30, 2010. 

John Schneider 


visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information 


visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information 

Wednesday, 03.17.10, 11:00AM-1:00PM, IUETC Ice Miller Training Room, IUPUI : Companion Diagnostics Inc. Open House. RSVP requested. 

[ More ] 


Thursday, 03.25.10, 11:00AM, BRK 1001 : Raman Spectroscopy Roundtable: “Raman Spectroscopy in Nanoscale Science and Engineering" REGISTER 

[ More ] 

Thursday, 03.25.10, 7:00PM, PMU, South Ballroom: "Leadership in Crises: Lessons from Katrina and Haiti," by Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant, US Coast Guard. 

[ More ] 

Tuesday and Wednesday, 03.30.10, 8:00-5:00, and 03.31.10, 8:00-Noon: 3rd Annual Purdue Systems Integrity for Defense Technology Summit, PMU. Registration is free. 

[ More ] 

Wednesday, 04.14.10, 5:00-7:00PM, First Floor Atrium, Hall for Discovery and Learning Research : Discovery Park Student Poster Session & Reception, with remarks by Provost Timothy D. Sands at 6:00PM 

[ Flier ] 


R.A.D. Class Offered in March by PUPD 

R.A.D. is a 12-hour long program which is a comprehensive course of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. 

[ More ] 


Faculty, staff, and students who have fever or other influenza symptoms should seek medical care. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT TO WORK WHILE ILL. 

Birck Nanotechnology Center staff will be notified of an emergency situation by telephone in the order set out in the BNC’s Phone Tree. BNC faculty members will receive an e-mail message from Monica Allain or Tim Sands. 

Members of the Faculty (Professors and Research Professors) are responsible for contacting each of their group members, including graduate students, undergraduate researchers, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists. Specific instructions should be conveyed by phone if possible. All graduate students should register for the Purdue University e-mail alert system at http://news.uns.purdue.edu/mail.html . 

Additional information for pandemic and emergency preparation may be found at www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/faculty and http://www.purdue.edu/emergency_preparedness 

Editorial policy set: personal information, i.e., newborn announcements, marriages, etc. [ More ] 

Submit items for memo of the week of March 22, 2010 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY , 03.19.10, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu 



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