[BNC-all] Weekly Memo: 06.14.10

Deborah Starewich deborah_starewich at comcast.net
Fri Jun 11 13:55:32 EDT 2010

To ensure you receive your BNC Weekly Memo e-mails, 
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Current issue is at http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html 
The BNC Monday MemoBNC News 
week of June 14, 2010 


Candidate for 
Director of the Birck Nanotechnology Center 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 
9:00-10:00 a.m. 
Room 121 
Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship 

Dr. Ramamoorthy Ramesh 
Professor and Plato Malozemoff Chair in Materials Science & 
Engineering and Physics 
University of California, Berkeley 

Vision for the Future of the 
Birck Nanotechnology Center 

There will be a reception immediately following the presentation 
in the Morgan Commons 

NEW PROCESS TO REQUEST OFFICE SPACE: faculty, students, guests 

Faculty may request a BNC office or student/postdoc/visitor desk on-line at the Birck website nano.purdue.edu/Resources/office-request.php . 

This electronic request must be completed by the faculty member for both a BNC Office and for a student desk. 


Collegiate Inventors Competition -- Only a Few Weeks Left! -- Deadline June 25 

There are only a few weeks left to submit your invention or groundbreaking patentable research to the Collegiate Inventors Competition. Previous winners of the Competition have gone on to receive MacArthur Foundation grants, form start-up companies, gain honor and recognition for their work in national publications and receive prestigious fellowships. If you are a Graduate or Undergraduate student with a proven idea, you could be next! 

[ More ] 


visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information 

Monday, 06.14.10, 10:00AM, MRGN 129: “Uncertainty Quantification and Model Validation in Mechanical System Behavior Prediction,” by Sankaran Mahadevan, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Director, NSF-IGERT Doctoral Program in Risk and Reliability Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. 

[ More ] 

Monday, 06.14.10, 1:30PM, Martin Jischke Hall of Biomedical Engineering, Room 1001: "Vision for the Future of the Energy Center," by Dr. Wallace E. Tyner, James and Lois Ackerman Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. Candidate for Director of the Energy Center. 


Thursday, 07.08.10, 10:00AM, BRK 1001: "Transformative Power Semiconductor Technologies to Impact 21st Century Energy Economy, and Space and Defense Electronics," by Krishna Sheniai, PhD, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of Toledo 

[ More ] 

6th MPM Workshop, 08.09.10 and 08.10.10, University of New Mexico. Information available on-line . Register by 06.30.10. 

The 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE2010), 12.10.10 to 12.12.10, Wuhan, China. http://www.ciseng.org/2010 


Call for User Proposals: The Molecular Foundry 
Call for Proposals Begins: Monday, June 14, 2010 
Submission Deadline: Thursday, July 15, 2010 
Projected Award Date: Friday, October 4, 2010 

Dear Colleagues, 
The Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), a Department of Energy (DOE) national nanoscience user facility, is currently accepting requests for user access to its instruments, capabilities and skilled technical staff from scientists and engineers who are seeking to enhance their own research projects. Requests from potential users, in the form of web-based standard proposals, must be received not later than July 15, 2010 to be considered in our current semiannual call cycle. 

[ More ] 


Post doc positions: ORNL 

Scanning Probe Microscopy for Functional Imaging, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 

[ Flier ] 


The Discovery Park Viewbook is now live and available at the Discovery Park homepage. 

We are proud to inform you that the Discovery Park electronic viewbook is now available on the homepage. 

[ More ] 


Faculty, staff, and students who have fever or other influenza symptoms should seek medical care. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT TO WORK WHILE ILL. 

Birck Nanotechnology Center staff will be notified of an emergency situation by telephone in the order set out in the BNC’s Phone Tree. BNC faculty members will receive an e-mail message from Monica Allain or Jim Cooper. 

Members of the Faculty (Professors and Research Professors) are responsible for contacting each of their group members, including graduate students, undergraduate researchers, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists. Specific instructions should be conveyed by phone if possible. All graduate students should register for the Purdue University e-mail alert system at http://news.uns.purdue.edu/mail.html . 

Additional information for pandemic and emergency preparation may be found at www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/faculty and http://www.purdue.edu/emergency_preparedness 

Editorial policy set: personal information, i.e., newborn announcements, marriages, etc. [ More ] 

Submit items for memo of the week of June 21, 2010 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY , 06.18.10, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu 



Other BNC info: 
Purdue Home Page 
BNC Home Page 
BNC Users Forum 

Links to Discovery Park Centers 

Bindley Bioscience Center 

Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship 

Cyber Center 

Discovery Learning Research Center 

Global Sustainability at Purdue: 

Center for Environment 

Energy Center 

Purdue Climate Change Research Center 

Oncological Sciences Center 

Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering 

Sign up to be: 
Media Expert 
Community Speaker 

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