[BNC-all] BNC Weekly Memo - October 12, 2009

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 9 15:48:33 EDT 2009

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BNC News
week of October 12, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENTSThanks to everyone for their cooperation and patience during the preventative maintenance shutdown!

In case you were not able to attend the FY08-09 "State of the Center" report and discussion during the Town Hall meeting on Wednesday (Oct 7th), you may find the slides at:http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/facilities/TownHall-7Oct09.pdf

The following are some of the highlights:
	* 600 cleanroom (SNL) users and 1200 BNC users trained to date

	* 31 invention disclosures submitted by BNC researchers in FY08-09 (14% of university total)

	* 575 papers (cited >4,000 times) with BNC or NCN author affiliation in Web of Science to date (pace of ~175/yr)

	* 3 BNC papers with over 200 citations each

	* $11.6M in external grant support in FY08-09

	* $1.55M in center income from recharge (33% of operating income)

	* $91K in external recharge income (up 50% since FY07-08)

	* 380 total users in the BNC in FY08-09 from 89 research groups

	* 25 users with >$15K in expenditures; average expenditures per user: $3.5K

	* 16 users reached the $15K cap in the SNL, saving a total of $141K
Also in the presentations: new staff introductions; new equipment and capabilities; facilities upgrades; challenges/equipment abuse; managing director’s roles and initiatives; Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (IndianaCTSI), Center for Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (CAPN), NanoVis, Midwest Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery (MIND), India-US Networked Center on Nanomaterials for Energy.

	* Please fill out Faculty Research Forms ASAP -http://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_cCpvBvl5DmCVzgw&SVID=Prod

	* University Government Industry Micro/Nano Symposium (June 28-July 1, 2010 at Purdue (see here)

	* Spring Seminar Series – Thursdays, 10:30-11:30, BRK 2001

	* Nano/Energy Journal Club – Fridays, 12-1:30, BRK 1001

	* Introduction to XPS Workshop – Nov 12,13, 2009

	* Interviewees requested for research study on “Exploring Conceptions of the Nanoscale World” (more information to follow)

	* CTSI Core Grant applications due October 12th (a letter from the Core Director, Prof. J. Leary, is required); see www.indianactsi.org

	* Next BNC Research Review tentatively scheduled for April 19th, 2010
Overall, it was a very good year for the BNC, despite the challenges of the economic environment. Thanks to you all for your contributions and support.

Best Regards-
Join us this evening for the Meet and Greet NCN/PRISM/NSAC students at the BNC for the 1st Annual NSAC/NCN/PRISM student cookout & carry-in! ALL FACULTY, STUDENTS, & STAFF ARE WELCOME: Friday, 10.09.09, 4-7PM, cornhole and videogames in the BNC atrium. [Flier] [RSVP]
Where's Iron Man????? Just for the fun of it: be on the look out for Iron Man; he could show up anywhere in Birck. Keep a record. We will be releasing details of a contest soon.


NSAC is sponsoring a blood drive on Friday, Oct 23rd from 8 to 11 am."Indiana Blood Center lives a daily mission to supply blood and blood components to Hoosier patients in need. In doing so, we meet remarkable people every day.Read the true stories of both donors and recipients in Indiana have been touched." Please schedule an appointment today.

visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information

visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information

Thursday, 10.15.09, 8:00AM, STEW 218: CRANE Naval Surface Warfare Center (NWSC) Seminar - Please join us for the day to hear from CRANE NWSC’s Chief Engineers and Chief Scientists and to join in detailed breakout discussions. Topics include: Acoustic Sensors, Energy and Power Systems, Radar Systems and Microwave Technologies, Ground Electronic Warfare, Navy Surface Electronic Warfare, Airborne Electronic Warfare, Microelectronic Systems, Electro‐Optic Systems, and Infrared Countermeasures and Pyrotechnics [Flier]
Friday, 10.16.09, 9:00AM, BRK1001: Birck Nanotechnology Seminar Series - "Control of Spin Precession in a Datta-Das Transistor Structure" Dr. Hyun Cheol Koo & Dr. Joonyeon Chang Center for Spintronics Research, Korean Institute of Science and Technology [Flier]
CALL FOR PAPERS: "International Symposium on MEMS & Nano," 06.07.10 to 06.09.10, Indianapolis, IN. ABSTRACT DEADLINE IS 10.16.09 [More]
Thursday, 10.22.09, 3:00PM, BRK2001: Birck Nanotechnology Seminar Series - “Designing Materials for Plasmonics: Alternatives to Gold and Silver” Marty Blaber & Mike Ford, Institute for Nanoscale Technology, University of Technology, Sydney [Flier]
The Global Venture Challange™ 2010 - For three days (3.24-3.26) in March 2010, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will host Global Venture Challenge™, a unique educational event which brings together teams of college and university graduate students from around the world to compete for significant cash prizes in each competition track. It attracts venture investors from across the country which serve as judges and provides the opportunity to get a glimpse at emerging research being conducted at ORNL.
Track 1 - Advancing Materials for a Sustainable Energy Future
Track 2 - Community Resiliance and Homeland Security
1st place = $25,000
2nd place = $10,000
3rd place = $5,000
More info here

Birck's version of Purdue's "Thumbs Up," which appears in the Purdue Today publication. To send someone a HIGH FIVE, submit your request toDeboah Starewich.

Melissa Marris sends a special thanks to Mary Jo Totten for bringing in the volleyball set for our NSAC/NCN/PRISM Carry-In event.

I know since she drives a car this wasn't an easy task for her to do; and on top of it all we didn't use it.

Thank you Mary Jo Totten for going above and beyond in helping us with this event!

FLU SHOTS available [Flier]
Faculty, staff, and students who have fever or other influenza symptoms should seek medical care. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT TO WORK WHILE ILL.

Birck Nanotechnology Center staff will be notified of an emergency situation by telephone in the order set out in the BNC’s Phone Tree (personnel should have a copy on hand in their offices and homes; contact Deborah Starewich, if you do not have the most recent copy; distributed on Thursday, 09.13.09). BNC faculty members will receive an e-mail message from Monica Allain or Tim Sands.

Members of the Faculty (Professors and Research Professors) are responsible for contacting each of their group members, including graduate students, undergraduate researchers, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists. Specific instructions should be conveyed by phone if possible. All graduate students should register for the Purdue University e-mail alert system at http://news.uns.purdue.edu/mail.html.

Additional information for pandemic and emergency preparation may be found at www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/faculty andhttp://www.purdue.edu/emergency_preparedness

Submit items for memo of the week of October 19, 2009 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY, 10.16.09, to Deborah Starewichdstarewi at purdue.edu

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