[BNC-all] Reminder: NSAC T-Shirts are Ready for Pickup!

Cara Smith smith543 at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 18 13:24:49 EST 2009

There are T-shirts that not been picked up!  If you placed an order for one,
please stop by Cara's desk in BRK1092 to pick up and pay for your order.
Just a reminder:  the price is $12 per T-shirt.  We accept payments in cash

If you did NOT order a T-shirt but you are still interested in purchasing
one, we still have a few extras in several different sizes.  They would make
a great gift for a friend or family member this holiday season! :)  Please
contact Cara Smith (smith543 at purdue.edu) for more info on size and

Thank you!

Your NSAC Officers,
Caitlin Burger, Cara Smith, Alfredo Tuesta, John Wilcox
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