[BNC-all] Weekly Memo 11.09.09

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Fri Nov 6 14:08:07 EST 2009

 To ensure you receive your BNC Weekly Memo e-mails,
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Current issue is at
http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html [image:
The BNC Monday Memo]   BNC News *week of November 9, 2009 *   ANNOUNCEMENTS

*Purdue Network 2010 Upgrade Scheduled for the Birck Nanotechnology Building

As you may have heard there is a campus-wide project that is underway.  The
goal of this project is to upgrade the Purdue computer data network
(currently referred to as BoilerNet) to a new and improved network standard
referred to as Purdue Network 2010.  The upgraded network will provide
clients on the Purdue campus with improved wireless connectivity (via
PAL/PAL2.0) as well as more reliable wired (via data PIC) network access to
local campus services and off-campus internet.


*TOUR and VISIT information will appear on-line; please **visit
nano.purdue.edu <http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/> and
refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information*



*visit nano.purdue.edu
<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/>and refer to
"Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information

*Monday, 11.09.09, 10:00AM-4:00PM, Center for Continuing Education, McKenna
Hall, U of Notre Dame, *"Indiana CTSI 101"

*Tuesday, 11.10.09, 11:00AM, ME256:* Kenninger Family Lecture, "Fundamentals
of Energy Transfer in Nanoscale Energy Conversion Materials," by Dr. Xianfan
Xu, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University


*Thursday, 11.12.09, 4:00PM, BRK 1001: *"Peanuts vs. Pyramids: Two
Perspective on MEMS," Stephen D. Senturia, Professor of Electrical
Engineering, Emeritus, MIT; Chairman and CTO, Polychromix.


*Register Now!* 5th Annual Livingston Nanotechnology Conference, 12.07.09,
Lighthouse International Conference Center, New York City.
[Registration Form<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/110909Livingston.doc>


*Friday Journal Club*

If you have an interest in the science of nanoscale energy
transport/conversion or in nanoscale approaches to energy conversion devices
(thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, solid-state lighting, etc.), please join us
on Fridays at lunchtime for informal "journal club"-style discussions.
Students, faculty, research staff and postdoctoral researchers are welcome.
[Additional info: contact Deborah Starewich <dstarewi at purdue.edu>]


*NEXTRANS conference: **11.16.09 Memorial Union*

IN STEP, IN LINE, ON TIME: Regional Strategies for Trade, Security, &
Mobility Challenges at the U.S. - Canada Border

*Nanotechnology Seminar Series: Monday, 11.16.09, 3:00PM, BRK 1001:
*"Physical Vapor Deposition: The good, the bad, & the ugly," by Dr.
Mahmood, Microfab Research Engineer, Birck Nanotechnology Center

*Discovery Lecture Series: 11.17.09, 3:30, MRGN 121:* Sir John Pendry,
Imperial College, UK will present "Transformation Optics at Optical
Frequencies." [Flier<http://author.www.purdue.edu/dp/dls/johnpendry-final.pdf>

*Thursday, 11.19.09, 10:30AM, BRK 2001*: "III-V Semiconductor 1D
Nanostructures and Device Prospects," by Professor Xiuling Li, Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

*Introduction to XPS: What you should know about X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy?* *12.10.09 and 12.11.09, 8:00AM-5:00PM, MRGN 129.*
REGISTRATION <http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/XPS/>]
Questions should be directed to Monica Allain <mallain at purdue.edu>.

*Quantum Chemistry: (672) Spring 2010 *"*Quantum Information and
Computation,"* with Prof. Sabre Kais, WTHR 265G, Tel: 494-5965 (
kais at purdue.edu) *Lectures: * TR 3:00-4:15, BRWN 3102



Engineered Nanomaterials: Linking Physical and Chemical Properties to
Biology (U19) *APPLICATION RECEIPT DATE 01.22.10*


*Burton D. Morgan Business Plan Competition
The Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship and Krannert School of
Management are pleased to announce the 23rd annual Burton D. Morgan Business
Plan Competition to be held on February 23, 2010.
[Info <lanter at purdue.edu>]

*6th Annual Life Sciences Business Plan Competition
Tuesday, 11.10.09, MRGN 121.

*Wellness Screenings*, information provided by Krista
Hixson<kehixson at purdue.edu>,
the Wellness Ambassador for Discovery Park.



to *Mari-Ellyn Brock* from Se'Andra Donaldson: Thanks for bringing to my
attention a large bag of ice and garbage that had been left behind in Birck
1001, by another group. Your thoughtfulness and foresight most likely
prevented unnecessary carpet cleaning and replacement of a waterlogged
conference table. Thanks again for your efforts in maintain Birck as a
worthy show-place here at Purdue.



Another nano person enters the world! John and Amy Wilcox welcomed David
into the world on Monday, November 2, at 8:13AM, weighing in at 6 pounds,
15.5 ounces and was 19.5 includes long. Mom and baby are fine :)

*Craft Sale: 11.20.09, 12:00-1:00, MRGN Cafe.*



*FLU SHOTS available

Faculty, staff, and students who have fever or other influenza symptoms
should seek medical care. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT TO WORK WHILE ILL.

Birck Nanotechnology Center staff will be notified of an emergency situation
by telephone in the order set out in the BNC’s Phone Tree (personnel should
have a copy on hand in their offices and homes; contact Deborah Starewich,
if you do not have the most recent copy; distributed on Thursday, 09.13.09).
BNC faculty members will receive an e-mail message from Monica Allain or Tim

Members of the Faculty (Professors and Research Professors) are responsible
for contacting each of their group members, including graduate students,
undergraduate researchers, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists.
Specific instructions should be conveyed by phone if possible. All graduate
students should register for the Purdue University e-mail alert system at

Additional information for pandemic and emergency preparation may be found
at www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/faculty and

*Submit items for memo of the week of November 16, 2009 by ****12 NOON****
on FRIDAY, 11.13.09, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu*


  *Other BNC info:*
 Purdue Home Page <http://www.purdue.edu/>
 BNC Home Page <http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/>
 BNC Users Forum <http://bncnano.freeforums.org/>

*Links to Discovery Park Centers*

Bindley Bioscience Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/bioscience/>

Burton D. Morgan Center for

Cyber Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/cyber/>

Discovery Learning Research Center<http://www.purdue.edu/dp/learningcenter/>

Global Sustainability at Purdue:

 Center for Environment <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/environment/>

Energy Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/energy/>

Purdue Climate Change Research Center <http://www.purdue.edu/climate/>

Oncological Sciences Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/oncological/>

Regenstrief Center for Healthcare

*Sign up to be:*
 Media Expert <http://news.uns.purdue.edu/newsweb.experts.html>
 Community Speaker <http://news.uns.purdue.edu/newsweb.experts.html>
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