[BNC-all] BNC Weekly Memo - 5.4.2009

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Fri May 1 14:55:26 EDT 2009

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BNC News
May 4, 2009 
Semiannual shutdown of the BNC will take place Tuesday through Thursday, May 5-7, 2009. [More]
Precautionary Measures for SWINE FLU, by Lisa Reece. [flyer] Other useful links: Purdue University News Service: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2009a/090427WestmanSwine.html
CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/

BNC Graduation Celebration and Open house: Say goodbye to faculty, colleagues,  BNC Staff and show off your research facility to family and friends!

Friday, May 15:  1-5pm 
Refreshments available beginning at 1pm
Group graduation photo:  2pm

Saturday, May 16:  12-3pm
Refreshments available beginning at 12pm
Group graduation photo:  1:30pm


Wireless Upgrade to take place in Birck Atrium the week of May 11, 2009. Be aware that there will be debris in the area, also. This work will
limit our ability to provide tours and events during the week of May
11-15, 2009. 

Blood Drive was a SUCCESS! To all those who donated blood last Friday, thank you!  We collected 22 units of blood (approximately 10 liters).

visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information
Tuesday, 05.05.09, 2:30PM: Elkhart Planning Department, with Ron Reger.

Thursday, 05.07.09, 9:00AM: Tim Stout, VP, Commercialization Strategies, and Abhijit (Jit)
Banerjee, Director, Commercialization Studies, Oregon Health and
Science University, with Tim Sands. 

visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information
Monday, 05.04.09, 3:00PM, EE 118: "Improved Registration and Segmentation for Image Analysis," by Mark Pickering [More]

Tuesday, 05.05.09, 3:00PM, BRK 2001: "Overview of Russian Activities in the Field of Nanotechnology by RUSNANO," Dr. Sulkhan T. Davitadze [More]

Friday, 05.08.09, 3:00PM, BRK 2001: "Comparison of Experiment and Theory in Plasmonics," Professor William Barnes [More]

SAVE THE DATE! Thursday, 06.11.09, 8:30AM-1:30PM, MRGN 121: "Nanomedicine & Cellular Engineering Symposium," with presentations by investigators from Purdue University, University
of Notre Dame, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Indian
Partner Institutions. RSVP to Luanne Ludwig (49-42276). More information to follow.
NEW CLASS FALL 2009! ME 59700/PHYS 57000: Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy, with Profs. A. Raman (Mech Engr) and R. Reifenberger (Physics).[Flyer]

Travel Office: International Travelers Need to Know About Federal Export Control Laws: University
travelers who plan to take their Purdue-issued laptop computer,
Blackberry, digital storage device or any encryption products abroad,
should know about export laws. [More]

Submit items for memo of May 11, 2009 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY, 05.08.09, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Other BNC info:
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