[BNC-all] PU-SPM Seminar - April 3rd Birck 2001, Visiting Speaker Dr. Don Chernoff of Advanced Surface Microscopy

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 31 16:11:33 EDT 2009

There will be a PUSPM seminar held this Friday, April 3rd in Brick
2001.  A visiting speaker, Dr. Don Chernoff of the Advanced Surface
Microscopy company (http://www.asmicro.com)
will be giving a talk entitled: "Picometer-Scale Accuracy in Pitch
Measurements using Microscopes."  Pizza will be provided at 11:30 a.m.
and the talk will begin at noon.  Please see the attached seminar
announcement for more information.

Ryan Wagner
PU-SPM student coordinator
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