[BNC-all] Weekly Memo: week of August 3, 2009

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Fri Jul 31 15:32:06 EDT 2009

 To ensure you receive your BNC Weekly Memo e-mails,
please add bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu to your address book.
Current issue is at
http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html [image:
The BNC Monday Memo]   BNC News *week of August 3, 2009 * ANNOUNCEMENTS

*Coral down time notification: *ECN Main Machine-room downtime! The ECN
Central Machine room will be without power on Saturday, August 8th from 6am
to 8am. This will affect ALL ECN services.

Coral will be offline until the machine room power is restored. Equipment
already enabled in Coral will continue to operate normally. No new process
can start during this time. Please plan accordingly!

*Mandatory Meeting for BNC Cleanroom Users*

The situation in the BNC cleanroom has reached a point where unsafe
situations are occurring and research activities are being delayed due to
poor citizenship of the BNC cleanroom users. Numerous complaints from users
have been received, and the staff has had to spend a significant amount of
time remediating situations where a user did not clean up after him/herself.

To provide further information and to discuss this issue, a
*meeting* will be held on *Tuesday, August 4, 2009*, in *MRGN 121 at 10:00
AM*. A makeup session will be held on Monday, August 10, 2009, also at 10:00
AM in MRGN 121. Attendance at one of these meetings is required, or
cleanroom access will be terminated.

It is sincerely hoped that the discussions at this meeting will improve the
working conditions in the cleanroom. We cannot operate in an unsafe manner,
and if corrections are not made further, more drastic, actions must be
taken. One item currently under consideration is closing the cleanroom from
midnight through 7:00 AM. I hope these issues can be resolved without
resorting to such drastic measures.

Thank you in advance for assisting in making the BNC a safe, efficient
environment in which to perform research.

John Weaver <jrweaver at purdue.edu>

*SRM Ordering: *All chemical orders need approval from Stephen Jurss [
sejurss at purdue.edu] and all biological orders require approval from Lisa
Reece [lreece at purdue.edu].

*Need to conduct a video conference? Use Adobe Connect [more

*Purdue Day at the State Fair: *Friday, 08.07.09, Indianapolis, Indiana



The Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (*NSAC*) is comprised of
graduate students and research assistants working at the Birck
Nanotechnology Center in Purdue University. However, membership is not
exclusive and any Purdue student is welcome.

Our goal is to promote collaboration, enhance research awareness, and
facilitate communication among faculty, staff, and students. To meet this
goal, we plan regular social events, host lab open houses, and collaborate
with the staff to organize the Equipment & Process Expert (Super-User)
Program. We also have student volunteers that serve on the Policies and
Procedures Committee for BNC.

Please feel free to visit the

Caitlin Burger, Cara Smith, Alfredo Tuesta and John Wilcox, NSAC Committee



*visit nano.purdue.edu
<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/>and refer to
"Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information

*Monday, 08.03.09, 10:00AM*: Cook Medical's Combination Device Group visit
and tour, with designated faculty and staff

*Thursday, 08.06.09, 10:45AM*: Tyco Thermal Control, with Monica Allain



*visit nano.purdue.edu
<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/>and refer to
"Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information

*F**riday, 08.07.09, 11:30AM, MRGN 129:* "Capabilities of the Metabolite
Profiling Facility," by Bruce Cooper, PhD.* Refreshments served.*

*SAVE THE DATE: Monday, 09.21.09, 4:00PM*, Fowler Hall, Reception follows:
"BioNanotechnology o a Global Scale," by Ken Bradley, Discovery Lecture
Series [More <http://author.www.purdue.edu/dp/dls/bradley072809.jpg>]

*SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, 09.22.09, 10:00AM,* Fowler Hall, Reception follows:
"BioNanotechnology on a Global Scale," by Roderic I. Pettigrew, Discovery
Lecture Series [More<http://author.www.purdue.edu/dp/dls/pettigrew072809.jpg>

*FREE WORKSHOP! Tuesday and Wednesday, 10.06 and 10.07.09, Arlington,
VA: *Nanomaterials
and the Environment & Instrumentation, Metrology, and Analytical Methods. [
Website <http://www.nano.gov/html/meetings/environment/>]



*[image: women'slunch]<http://www.purdue.edu/dp/nanotechnology/080309womenlunch.jpg/html>

*Executive Women's Luncheon: Tuesday, 08.25.09, 11:15AM-1:00PM, Barnes and
Thornburg LLP, Indianapolis


*Submit items for memo of August 10, 2009 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY,
08.07.09, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu*


  *Other BNC info:*
 Purdue Home Page <http://www.purdue.edu/>
 BNC Home Page <http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/>
 BNC Users Forum <http://bncnano.freeforums.org/>

*Links to Discovery Park Centers*

Bindley Bioscience Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/bioscience/>

e-Enterprise Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/E-Enterprise/>

Burton D. Morgan Center for

Discovery Learning Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/learningcenter/>

Center for Advanced Manufacturing <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/cam/>

Center for Environment <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/environment/>

Oncological Sciences Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/oncological/>

Cyber Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/cyber/>

Energy Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/energy/>

*Sign up to be:*
 Media Expert <http://news.uns.purdue.edu/newsweb.experts.html>
 Community Speaker <http://news.uns.purdue.edu/newsweb.experts.html>
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