[BNC-all] Weekly Memo - 1/5/2009 - Working Links

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 5 10:16:12 EST 2009

To ensure you receive your BNC Weekly Memo e-mails, 
please add bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu to your address book.
Current issue is at http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html   
BNC news January 5, 2009  
card access to the BNC laboratories will go live on January 5, 2009. On
this date, all card readers in the facility will be active. From
January 5 through January 16, you must turn in your laboratory keys to
Mary Jo Totten (BRK 1220) and have your badge activated to allow
laboratory access. This may be done only during the afternoon hours,
1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. If you have a conflict during these hours, please
make special arrangements with Mary Jo in advance. [More]

when planning your travel, please be sure to submit your Form 17,
"Request for Authority to Travel on University Business," for ALL
signatures. Without a signed Form 17 prior to travel, you are not
covered under any university insurance. If you have questions, please
contact your business office or the business office in the Birck Center.

GRADUATE/UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS GOING OVERSEAS: [Information from Dr. Brian Harley, Associate Dean, International Programs via Pankaj Sharma.]

Boilers Care-and-Share non-food item drive:
part of the 2009 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. Bring items to
Potter 326, which then will be donated to Food Finders Food Bank. Last
day to contribute is 01.14.09. Download flyer HERE.
KUDOS to Dmitri and Polina! Baby girl, Dasha, came on Dec. 22 at 3:14PM. A healthy baby: 7 pounds, 12 ounces; 19 inches long! 
PU-SPM Call for Speakers: Contact Ryan Wagner (rbwagner at purdue.edu)
with a tentative title and any preferences you have on a date for
presentation. Anyone who wishes to speak at the first meeting on
January 16, 2009 would be a great help. Also needed are a few
volunteers who would like to serve on the PU-SPM student advisory
committee. The advisory committee helps Ryan organize the PU-SPM
meetings and hosts visiting speakers.

UK/US Environmental Nanoscience Initiative.  The
Natural Environment Research Council, in cooperation with the
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, the Department
for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, the Environment Agency, the
United States Environmental Protection Agency and the National Science
Foundation in the United States, is in the process of finalising a
major joint research effort to develop and validate predictive tools
and similar conceptual models that predict exposure, bioavailability
and effects of manufactured nanomaterials in the environment. Please
see the NERC website for more information: http://www.nerc.ac.uk/research/programmes/nanoscience/events/jointresearch.asp

2009: European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, 7-10
September 2009, Glasgow, UK. Call for Papers deadline is 31 January
2009. http://www.euromat2009.fems.eu/
Join us in launching the first national Healthcare Innovation Challenge, sponsored by leading healthcare companies!
What is the Healthcare Innovation Challenge? 
•        Inter-disciplinary student team competition focused on healthcare challenges
•        All universities with healthcare-related programs are invited to form competing teams
•        Team formation and online competition runs throughout Spring Semester 2009 
• Six finalist teams will be awarded an all-expense-paid trip to
Phoenix to compete in the final Event, May 1, 2009. In addition, an
$8,000 prize will be awarded to the winning team. 
• Several nationally recognized healthcare innovation experts will
speak at this event, which will be attended by students, healthcare
companies and educators from around the country. 
• Co-hosted by the Arizona State University Center for Healthcare
Innovation & Clinical Trials and Idea Crossing, a company with a
proven track record of sponsoring successful innovation competitions. [More]
Submit items for memo of January 12, 2009 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY, 01.09.09, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Other BNC info:
 Purdue Home Page
 BNC Home Page
 BNC Users Forum 
Links to Discovery Park Centers
Bindley Bioscience Center
e-Enterprise Center

Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship

Discovery Learning Center

Center for Advanced Manufacturing  
Center for Environment 
Oncological Sciences Center 
Cyber Center 
Energy Center 

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