[BNC-all] BNC Weekly Memo - 02.09.09

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 6 13:31:24 EST 2009

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BNC news February 9, 2009  
Office Power Shut Down, Monday, 02.09.09, 4:30-7:30 AM:
per Mark Voorhis, Shops is requesting a shutdown to safety install
breakers for ITAP to add UPS’s, The shutdown will affect all wall power
outlets for ALL office areas (individual & grad student offices) on
the first and second floors. The outage is scheduled for Monday morning
from 4:30 AM till 7:30AM.  Please make sure that you office computers
and sensitive electronic devices are properly shut down before you
leave for the weekend. The lab areas will not be affected.

been named a Fellow of the Optical Society of America "for fundamental
contributions to optical imaging with subwavelength resolution, novel
microlasers, and information-theoretical description of nonlinear
fiber-optical systems."  Congratulations Evgueni! 

No scheduled tours this week.


02.10.09, 9:00AM, POTR 268: "Understanding Patents Improves Product
Design," by John McNett, JD, Adjunct Professor, School of Mechanical
Engineering, Purdue University; Parter, Woodard, Emhardt, McNett &
Henry. [More]

Tuesday, 02.10.09, 3:30PM,
LAWS 1142: "The Value in Questioning What You Think You Know," by
Eugene H. Spafford, Professor, Computer Science; and Director, CERIAS,
Purdue University. [More]

Thursday, 02.12.09, 9:00AM,
POTR 268: "TRIZ: Creativity as an Exact Science," by Kartik Ariyur,
Assistant Professor, ME, Purdue University.

Friday, 02.20.09, 1:30PM,
LAWS 1142: "Renewable Solar Energy: Has the Sun Finally Riseon on
Photovoltaics?" by Mark R. Pinto, PhD. View Flyer

Students and Faculty are invited to attend THE 3RD ANNUAL GRADUATE STUDENT EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM (AGSERS) Download Flyer
FORMFactor Summer 2009 INTERNSHIPS
FormFactor Inc. has openings for summer intern positions at undergraduate and graduate levels in the areas of Material Science, Mechanical Design, Mechatronics and MEMS. [More] 


graduating from Purdue [and the BNC], he joined the University of Texas
at Arlington as an Assistant Professor. He is happy to report that in
his first year and in his first submission, he was awarded an NSF
CAREER award. [More]
Submit items for memo of February 16, 2009 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY, 02.13.09, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
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