[BNC-all] Weekly Memo 12.14.09

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Dec 14 08:53:30 EST 2009

 To ensure you receive your BNC Weekly Memo e-mails,
please add bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu to your address book.
Current issue is at
http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html [image:
The BNC Monday Memo]   BNC News *week of December 14, 2009* ANNOUNCEMENTS

*Submit items for memo of the weeks of December 21 and 28, 2009, and January
4, 2010 by 12 NOON on FRIDAY, 12.18.09, to Jeff Goecker<jgoecker at purdue.edu>

*FIAP Student Travel Grant* for the 2010 March Meeting. A travel grant of
$1000 per student will be awarded to five 2010 March Meeting speakers. [Link
corrected More<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html#announcement13>

*Venture Cafe Holiday Hours: *Regular hours through Wednesday, December 23,
2009. Closing effective Thursday, December 24 through January 3, 2010.
Reopening Monday, January 4, 2010.

*Scheduled Purdue Network 2010 Upgrade for BRK*:

On Wednesday, 1/6/10, from 3:00 AM to 6:59 AM, the IT Networks & Security
Data Team will be upgrading a portion of the BoilerNet network to meet the
new Purdue Network 2010 standard. Specifically the network will be upgraded
in the Birck Nanotechnology Building (BRK).

AFFECTED CLIENTS: Clients within BRK should plan to experience disruption of
both wired network connectivity (via data PIC) and wireless network
connectivity (via PAL/PAL2.0).

SCOPE OF WORK: During the scheduled outage window, affected clients in BRK
should plan to experience service disruptions for up to 2.5 hours in

If you have any concerns or questions about this scheduled work, contact Duane
Kyburz <storm at purdue.edu>.

*Annual Showalter Trust Competition: *The Office of the Vice President for
Research has adjusted the due date to the VPR's office to Tuesday, January
19, 2010 as the original due date falls on a University holiday.


*Study hard? Then play hard!*

NSAC is hosting another popular Game Night to take some of the edge off
exams and celebrate the end of a good research year. It is next *Wednesday
(Dec. 16th) from 5PM to 8PM*, but feel free to stop by anytime.

We will provide delicious snacks/drinks and games, but we also encourage you
to bring your favorite board game or video game as well. Hey, you may even
win a
raffle. See you downstairs in the *BRK Atrium* after work/exams this

-Your NSAC Committee :-)




*visit nano.purdue.edu
<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/>and refer to
"Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information



*visit nano.purdue.edu
<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/nanotechnology/>and refer to
"Featured Events" for the most up-to-date information

*Monday, 12.14.09, 10:30AM, BRK 1001*: “Journey Along the Carbon Road,” by
Dr. Zhihong Chen, Manager, Carbon Technology Group, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center [More<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html#seminar299>


*Wednesday, 01.23.10, 6:00-7:00PM, MRGN 121*: "Intellectual Property Rights:
Ownership, Licensing, and Due Diligence for Business Planning," by Karen
White, Interim Director, Office of Technology Commercialization Purdue
Research Foundation. A question and answer session will be included. *WHO

*Wednesday, 01.20.10, 9:00-11:00AM, MRGN 121*: "Revenue Projections: 'match
the forecast to the need,'”
by Robert. E. Crandall, BEC Consulting LLC



Newton International Fellowships aim to attract the world’s best
post-doctoral researchers to Britain for up to two years.




*FLU SHOTS available*

Faculty, staff, and students who have fever or other influenza symptoms
should seek medical care. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT TO WORK WHILE ILL.

Birck Nanotechnology Center staff will be notified of an emergency situation
by telephone in the order set out in the BNC’s Phone Tree (personnel should
have a copy on hand in their offices and homes; contact Deborah Starewich,
if you do not have the most recent copy; distributed on Thursday, 09.13.09).
BNC faculty members will receive an e-mail message from Monica Allain or Tim

Members of the Faculty (Professors and Research Professors) are responsible
for contacting each of their group members, including graduate students,
undergraduate researchers, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists.
Specific instructions should be conveyed by phone if possible. All graduate
students should register for the Purdue University e-mail alert system at

Additional information for pandemic and emergency preparation may be found
at www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/faculty and

*Submit items for memo of the weeks of December 21 and 28, 2009, and January
4, 2010 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY, 12.18.09, to Jeff
Goecker<jgoecker at purdue.edu>


  *Other BNC info:*
 Purdue Home Page <http://www.purdue.edu/>
 BNC Home Page <http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/>
 BNC Users Forum <http://bncnano.freeforums.org/>

*Links to Discovery Park Centers*

Bindley Bioscience Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/bioscience/>

Burton D. Morgan Center for

Discovery Learning Research Center<http://www.purdue.edu/dp/learningcenter/>

Center for Environment <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/environment/>

Oncological Sciences Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/oncological/>

Cyber Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/cyber/>

Energy Center <http://www.purdue.edu/dp/energy/>

*Sign up to be:*
 Media Expert <http://news.uns.purdue.edu/newsweb.experts.html>
 Community Speaker <http://news.uns.purdue.edu/newsweb.experts.html>
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