[BNC-all] BNC Weekley Memo - October 27, 2008

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 24 17:39:20 EDT 2008

To ensure you receive your BNC Weekly Memo e-mails, 
please add bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu to your address book.
Current issue is at http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/mondaymemo.html   
BNC news October 27, 2008 
Haddock announces that STACY BROWN has accepted the Assistant Director
of Financial Affairs position in Discovery Park.  Stacy came to
Discovery Park in 2003 as the Business Manager for The Birck
Nanotechnology Center and Bindley Bioscience Center.  She has also
supported several other centers in Discovery Park over the past 5
years. Prior to coming to Discovery Park she worked in Electrical and
Computer Engineering for four years. Please join us in congratulating
Stacy on her new position!   She will begin transitioning to this new
position on November 1. 
ORDERS update: When completing
purchase requisition forms, please be sure to include a JUSTIFICATION
for the requested purchase. Note that the purchase must directly
benefit the project tied to the account number being used. Delays could
occur when personnel responsible for approving orders must contact the
account PI for this required information. 

PRISM Annual Review will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, 10.29.08
and 10.30.08. The Center will be utilizing the Atrium and meeting rooms
in Birck. 

The construction of the pad
for the brine tank at BNC will begin Tuesday, 28 October 08. This will
involve hammer-drilling the existing concrete WEST of the BNC. Please
be aware that there is the potential for vibration to be transmitted
into the facility, especially the west side of the cleanroom. Please
contact John Weaver immediately if there is something that would
preclude this activity.

Monday, 10.27.08, 9:30-10:30: Big 10 Controllers' Conference attendees; with Valerie Lawless.
Wednesday, 10.29.08, 4:20-5:00: Dr. Richard Buckius, Purdue Vice President for Research; with John Weaver and Eric Stach.
Wednesday, 10.29.08, 4:30: PDS biotech; with Ron Reger. 
Thursday, 10.30.08, 3:00-5:00: Fall Preview Days. Students and Parents, self-guided tours.
Thursday, 10.30.08, 5:00: Lockheed Martin, with Tim Sands. 
Friday, 10.31.08, 3:00-5:00: Fall Preview Days. Students and Parents, self-guided. 
Tuesday, 10.28.08, 9:00AM, MRGN 129: Breakfast with Susan
Bulkeley Butler, Purdue trustee and author of the new book, "Become the
CEO of You, Inc." RSVP to Nathalie Duval-Couetil, natduval at purdue.edu.
Thursday, 10.30.08, 3:00PM, EE 317: "Metal Oxide Nanowires
as Gas Sensing Elements: From Basic Research to Real World
Applications," by Andrei Kolmakov.
Thursday, 10.30.08, 4:30PM, ME 161: "Next Generation Solar
Thermal Systems," by Jane H. Davidson, University of Minnesota.
Friday, 10.31.08, 11:30AM, Mann Hall Atrium: "Changing the
Course of Obesity," panelists: Linnette Woodman; Carol Boushey; Annie
CBR/CTR Seed Pilot Grants: Request for Applications, Application Forms, and Budget Form may be found at http://www.purdue.edu/Research/vpr/funding/seedgrants.shtml. All proposals must  be submitted electronically through http://www.indianactsi.org/funding/cbrctr, using your Purdue Career account access. The submission deadline is MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
Device Sciences area of the Semiconductor Research Corporation Global Research Collaboration is soliciting white papers in Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices.  Two
page white papers addressing needs in a new research needs document are
due Thursday, DECEMBER 4, 2008 at 3 PM ET/12 PM PT.
Washington Projects for Federal Fiscal Year 2010: The Discovery Park internal deadline is Tuesday, November 18 by Noon.  Please submit your proposals to Al Rebar electronically (rebar at exchange.purdue.edu); he will then review and forward the top four proposals. 
Entrepreneurship Open House: Monday, 10.27.08, 3:00-4:00,
MRGN. Guest Speaker is Rob Theodorow, CEO of Stormfront Productions,
Inc., Lafayette Small Business of the Month. 
Submit items for memo of November 3, 2008 by 5PM on FRIDAY, 10.31.08, to  Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Other BNC info:
 Purdue Home Page
 BNC Home Page
 BNC Users Forum 
Links to Discovery Park Centers
Bindley Bioscience Center
e-Enterprise Center

Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship

Discovery Learning Center

Center for Advanced Manufacturing  
Center for Environment 
Oncological Sciences Center 
Cyber Center 
Energy Center 

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