[BNC-all] BNC Weekly Memo - October 20, 2008

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 17 16:54:32 EDT 2008

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BNC news October 20, 2008 
Town Hall Meeting This Thursday
TOWN HALL MEETING to be held Thursday, 10.23.08, 1:30-3:00, in BRK
1001. Budget/Recharge information to be reviewed among other items of
community interest. See you all there!

Getinge autoclave training 
Friday, 10.24.08, 10-10:30am, in BIND 233A.  To register, visit the training webpage located at: http://www2.itap.purdue.edu/bnc/training/. 

Poster Printing
Poster Printing, from Valerie Lawless, DP Engagement lawlessv at purdue.edu:
The poster printer, located in MRGN 233, is now available for staff and
students to use. We have two new students, Joshua and Paula, that have
the following office hours: 
M-W 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and Thurs 9:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
M-F 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. [More]

Monday, 10.20.08, 10:00AM:  Harvey Mudd College, President Klawe and Anne Kroeker, board member; with Valerie Lawless.

Monday, 10.20.08, 2:45PM:  Northwest Indiana Forum, optional Discovery Park Tour with Candiss Vibbert

Wednesday, 10.22.08, 6:00PM:  BremnerDuke HealthCare dinner, in Atrium.

Friday, 10.24.08, 3:00-5:00:  Fall Preview days students and parents; self-guided tours.

Saturday, 10.25.08, 9:15AM:  Dr. S. Rasoul Safavian, CTO, Bechtel Group, and ECE alumni tour, with Tim Sands.
Monday, 10.20.08, 3:30PM, BRK 2001: “Nano-Devices for Biophysics:
Molecular Sensing, Cell Signal Monitoring, and Growth Control,” by
Seunghun Hong, Associate Professor, Physics, Seoul National University,
Monday, 10.20.08, 3:30 refreshments, 3:45 seminar, ARMS 1010:
“Development of Piezoelectric Trimorph Actuators for High Fidelity Flat
Panel Loud Speakers,” by William F. Shelley II, Emo Labs.
Tuesday, 10.21.08, 12:00 Noon, MRGN 129: “New Approaches to Cancer
Treatment: Early Detection, Individualized Care, Molecular Targeted
Therapies, Genomics and Proteomics: An Introduction to the Hoosier
Oncology Group Biorepository,” by Nasser Hanna, MD, chairman, Hoosier
Oncology Group; Kristina Kirkpatrick, Correlative Research Coordinator.
Thursday, 10.23.08, 12:00 Noon – 5:00PM, Fowler Hall: The 6th Annual
Garnet E. Peck Symposium, “Counterfeit Medicines: Current Approaches
and Research Opportunities.” 
Thursday, 10.23.08, 4:30PM, ME 161: “Flame Spreading Processes in a
Fin-Slot Solid Propellant Rocket Motor Simulator with Applications to
Space Shuttle Boosters,” by Kennth K. Kuo, Distinguished Professor of
ME and Director of High Pressure Combustion Laboratory. Refreshments
served 4:00, ME 254.
Friday, 10.24.08, 11:30AM, BRK 2001: “In situ Characterization of
Biofilm Surfances Through Atomic Force Microscopy," by Zhen Huang, PhD
student, Civil and Environmental Engineering 
Funded International Research Experience for Students: Tuesday,
10.21.08, 4:30PM, ME 117, presented by Douglas Cook Graduate Research
Assistant (ME). 
RECOGNITION: Please join the Cyber Center in recognizing the
achievements, service, and meritorious efforts of DR. SANGTAE KIM,
Donald W. Feddersen Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
and Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering: Wednesday,
November 5, 2008, 3:00-5:00PM, East Faculty Lounge, Purdue Memorial
Union. RSVP to cyber at purdue.edu.
WEATHER ALERTS: from the Weather Channel via e-mail or text message on your cell phone by registering Click here

FLU SHOTS: Free flu shots are offered to benefit-eligible faculty
and staff, graduate staff, official Purdue retirees, and their
spouses/same-sex domestic partners. A PUID is required for check-in for
employees, retirees, and spouses/same-sex domestic partners. Check http://www.purdue.edu/worklife to register for an appointment. [More]

With over 550 posters presented at the MicroTAS 2008 conference in
San Diego, one (”Young Researcher Poster Award”) of four total poster
awards was given to Aloke Kumar, Stuart J. Williams and Steven T.

Harry Potter invisibility cloak a step closer to reality

Telegraph.co.uk - United Kingdom
Researchers at Purdue University in Indiana are using new ultra small
"nanotechnology" and "metamaterials" combined with the mathematical
principles of ...[More]
New research field promises radical advances in optical technologies
Shalaev's research is based at the Birck Nanotechnology Center at
Purdue's Discovery Park. The research is funded by the US Army Research
Office. [More]

More BNC in the News.  
Submit items for memo of October 27, 2008 by 5PM on FRIDAY, 10.24.08, 
to  Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
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