[BNC-all] Weekly Memo - 11/24/08

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Fri Nov 21 16:59:03 EST 2008

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BNC news November 24, 2008 
University Holidays, Thursday and Friday, November 26 and 27, 2008. 
REMINDER: ROOM RESERVATIONS EXPIRE AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER. If you need to schedule a recurring meeting for the Spring Semester, please use the RAT system https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECN/Resources/Tools/RAT/ to request a room; or contact Melissa Marris, Nancy Black, or Annie Cheever. 

NSAC game night: NSAC
will be hosting a game night at Birck on Tuesday, December 9th, from
7-9 pm.  Come play Nintendo Wii (a video game) on the big screens in
the conference rooms or play board games such as Pictionary in the
lobby.  We'll also have cookies and hot chocolate for all.  Everyone at
Birck, their families, and significant others are invited. 
11.24.08, 11:20AM: Mike Sanders, PU College of Technology South Bend)
and Elkhart Chamber of Commerce guests, with John Burr.
Monday, 11.24.08, 4:20PM: Abbott Laboratories, with David Janes. 
11.24.08, 11:00AM, BRK 1001: "Strategic Road-mapping and Technology
Commercialization," by Ramesh Venugopal, candidate, Manging Director,
Birck Nanotechnology Center.

Monday, 11.24.08, 7:00PM,
Dean's Auditorium of Pfendler Hall: "Impacts of Fisheries and Global
Warming on Marine Ecosystems and Food Security," by Dr. Daniel Pauly. [More]
Postdoctoral Research Associate Position: One post-doctoral position is available to investigate Novel Electronic Devices on Graphene structures. [More]

Shared Instrumentation Grant Program (S10) http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-09-028.html [More] 

NSF is conducting an international research conference to help women
(faculty, students, post doc, researchers) initiate and sustain
international collaboration in energy/micro/nanotechnology/simulation.
The venue is Barcelona, Spain and dates are June 2-4, 2009. More
information to apply for participation is given on web site: http://www.wires.gatech.edu/  
FOR TOTS, US Marines holiday campaign. Please bring your new, unwrapped
toys to Jackie Lanter (MRGN) or Leza Dellinger (MANN) by Thursday,
December 4 for pickup by Lance Corporal B.A. Dellinger. Our own MELISSA
MARRIS has offered to take presents on the 4th so she's collecting them
Submit items for memo of December 1, 2008 by 5PM on WEDNESDAY, 11.26.08, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
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