[BNC-all] MONDAY MEMO: 031008

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 10 16:11:54 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, March 10, 2008

1.1:  Alarm System Work, completed Friday, 030708: John Weaver send a ³thank
you² for your patience during the work on the building alarm systems on
Friday!  The amount of interruption of the work in the building was far more
significant than we expected, and I apologize for the intrusion on your
research. The engineer from Honeywell, supplier of the system, was very
thorough in his analysis of the system, but in being thorough he needed to
set off far more alarms than expected.  Please be aware that this was a
one-time event ‹ we will not have to do this type of verification again.
The alarm system is now upgraded to include all new materials in use in the
facility, modifications were made to give us more alarm levels ‹ allowing us
to be more proactive in our response and hopefully minimize future alarms,
and the functions of all notification systems were verified.  Again, thank
you for your patience and John sends apologies for the unanticipated
2.1:  Thursday, 031308, 11:00AM:  FIRST Robotics Competition Participants
2.2:  Thursday, 031308, 2:00PM:  FIRST Robotics Competition Participants
2.3:  Friday, 031408, 11:00AM:  FIRST Robotics Competition Participants
2.4:  Friday, 031408, 2:00PM:  FIRST Robotics Competition Participants
3.1:  Thursday, March 13, 2008, 11:30AM, LILY G424:  Laboratory Animal
Program (LAP), ³Biosafety Cabinet vs. Fume Hood,² by Rachael DuRudder,
Radiological and Environmental Management, Purdue University
4.1: NineSigma Request, RFP# 50606-1, "Bio-Inspired Sensing Systems."  The
final submission date for Proposal Abstracts is April 4, 2008. More
information is available in the Request for Proposal (RFP) document online
at http://www.ninesigma.com/mx/50606-1. Program Manager:  Irina
Shiyanovskaya, PhD; NineSigma, Inc; 23611 Chagrin Blvd., Ste. 320;
Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5540; PhD at ninesigma.com
5.1:  REGISTER TODAY!  Regenstrief Center spring conference to focus on
successes and challenges of research implementation:  The Regenstrief Center
is dedicated not only to catalyzing innovation in healthcare delivery
research, but also to implementing findings in ³living laboratories² to
transform the delivery system. The Regenstrief Center¹s fourth annual spring
conference, titled Research Solutions in Healthcare: Challenges and Lessons
Learned will explore the process of implementing research innovation in the
healthcare setting, highlighting select RCHE research projects and including
discussion from practitioners in the field.  All healthcare researchers,
graduate and undergraduate students, RCHE partners, practitioners and
policymakers are invited to attend on Tuesday, April 22 in the Burton Morgan
Center, Discovery Park. Visit the conference website at
www.purdue.edu/rche/spring2008 to register.  Space is limited, so register
6.1: Purdue Pugwash Research Poster Symposium:  As a part of the Purdue
Student Pugwash 2008 Midwest Regional Conference, entitled "Energy and the
Environment: Powering the Future Responsibly," a poster symposium will be
held to showcase some of the energy and environmental research going on at
Purdue.  There will be CASH PRIZES awarded for posters in each of the three
categories:  Energy Technology; Environmental Sustainability or Climate
Change Solutions; Economic and Social Impacts (energy or environment
related).  The poster symposium is open to all graduate and undergraduate
students and abstracts will be accepted by how well they fit the theme of
the conference.  Abstract Deadline: March 7, 2008 (exceptions may be made);
Poster Judging:  Thursday, March 20, 2008 12:00pm - 5:00pm.  For
Registration and more information visit  WWW.PURDUE.EDU/PUGWASH
<http://www.purdue.edu/PUGWASH <http://www.purdue.edu/PUGWASH> >


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