[BNC-all] Weekly memo

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Jun 30 09:18:23 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, June 23, 2008
1.1:  Ron Reger has replaced Jennifer Monahan as the Process and Equipment
Manager for the Birck Nanotechnology Center.  Ron has a Masters in Physics
from Purdue, and comes to us with almost thirty years experience in
industry.  Coincidentally, he lived in the Married Student Housing building
just outside the BNC entrance when he was a student here.  Please welcome
Ron to the BNC.  His office is BRK 2289; e-mail is rreger at purdue.edu; and
office telephone is 46667.
1.2: Please join the Business Office in welcoming Mary Jones.  Mary will be
handling the credit cards, bi-weekly payroll as well as purchasing
activities through SRM.  You can reach her via email at jones69 at purdue.edu
or phone at 68253.
1.3:  *BNC Recycling*:  The recycling bins currently located in the BNC
Break Room (BRK 1072) have increasingly contained trash instead of
recycling.  These containers are ONLY for aluminum cans, plastic bottles (#1
& #2), and news paper.  All other items contaminate the recycling stream.
If trash is placed in these containers, the ENTIRE contents will be disposed
of as trash rather than being processed for recycling.  ***If this problem
continues the facility will loose its recycling privileges!!!***  Please do
your part to assist the recycling effort at Birck.
1.4:  Business Office ­ travel reminders:  to speed the reimbursement
process, provide COST COMPARISONS.  The spirit of the travel policy is as
follows:  Travelers seeking reimbursement should incur the lowest reasonable
travel expense necessary to accomplish the business mission.  Cost
comparison documentation can be either a written statement from a travel
agency or a printout from an online vendor, such as Expedia.com or
Orbitz.com.  A cost comparison is a comparison of 'all' available flights on
'all' airlines.  Therefore when obtaining a cost comparison from an online
vendor, the printout should be the first page of search results for dates
and times necessary to complete the business mission.  In the event a
traveler has not provided a comparison obtained 'prior' to the trip, the
comparison will be established by the Central Travel Office.  When we need
to find a comparison to meet the 'Drive Vs Fly' requirement, we will find
the airfare quote, then add $65.65 for mileage to airport plus parking for
number of business days times $8.50 and $70 for shuttle.  Please review the
Cost Comparison policy:
> > 
When you request that the Business Office pre-pay your airfare, please
remember that an approved Form 17 is required.  Please keep in mind that if
you are traveling internationally then there are extra approvals required.
The Business Office staff will do everything in their power to obtain the
necessary signatures as quickly as possible
2.1:  week of 06.30.08: Biology Outreach/³Go with the flow² summer science
camp; group will tour Birck on Tuesday, 07.01.08
3.1:  Outstanding New Environmental Scientist Award (ONES) (R01);
<http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-ES-08-003.html> .  Letters
of Intent Receipt Date(s): October 1, 2008;  Application Due Date(s):
October 31, 2008.  An essential element of the mission of the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is the support and career
promotion of the future generation of exceptionally talented and creative
new scientists who will further the understanding of the impact of
environmental exposures on human health. The NIEHS supports a number of
training and fellowship programs for pre and postdoctoral training, and
mentored career development awards for faculty in the early stages of their
career development.  However, even with these career development mechanisms
in place, to fulfill its mission of assuring a cadre of productive
environmental health science investigators for the future, NIEHS needs to
initiate further imaginative programs to identify the best new biomedical
investigators and facilitate their establishing vibrant, independent
research programs in the environmental health sciences.
3.2:  Postdoctoral Positions in Optical Spectroscopy of Nanoscale Materials:
The Softmatter Nanotechnology and Advanced Spectroscopy Team
(http://quantumdot.lanl.gov/ <http://quantumdot.lanl.gov/>
<http://quantumdot.lanl.gov/ <http://quantumdot.lanl.gov/> >) of the
Chemistry Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking outstanding
candidates to join our projects on the spectroscopic characterization of
nanoscale semiconductor and metal structures. For inquiries and to apply,
contact Victor Klimov at klimov at lanl.gov.  Candidates may be considered for
a Director's Fellowship and outstanding candidates may be considered for the
prestigious J. Robert Oppenheimer, Richard P. Feynman or Frederick Reines
Fellowships. Please see Special Postdoctoral Fellowships
<http://www.lanl.gov/science/postdocs/appointments.shtml> >) for further
details.  For general information refer to the Postdoctoral Program
<http://www.lanl.gov/science/postdocs/> >) page.
3.3: MEMS Laboratory; Postdoctoral Researchers; University of Washington,
Seattle.  Prof. Karl Böhringer¹s MEMS laboratory is inviting applications
for postdoctoral researchpositions beginning in Summer/Autumn 2008 in the
area of microfabrication and microfluidics.  The first position aims at
developing novel sample holders for transmission electron microscopy.  This
project is a close collaboration with a local business, Hummingbird
Scientific.  Exceptional opportunities exist to participate in break-through
molecular-scale imaging and to play a crucial role at a successful start-up
company.  Additional positions may be available in the areas of biosensors,
single cell monitoring, microfluidics, self-assembly, and related areas.
Please check in again soon.  Appointments will be for one year with the
possibility of reappointment on an annual basis in accordance with
performance and applicable personnel policies.  Salary is dependent on
qualifications.  Applicants must have earned a doctoral degree in
Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, or related
engineering disciplines in 2005 or later.  Expertise in microfabrication,
knowledge of microfluidics, experience with Solid Works or other CAD
systems, strong communication skills, good problem solving skills,
independent thinking, and willingness to travel are required. Experience
with thin films, TEM and SEM operation, FEA mechanical and thermal modeling,
and LabView programming are also strongly desired.  Responsibilities:
design, build and test various microfluidic devices for use in
next-generation transmission electron microscopes for nano or Angstrom scale
imaging of chemical or biochemical processes.  Analytical modeling of
microfluidic systems.  Writing of scientific publications and grant
proposals. Mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students.  Interested
individuals should send their CV, one representative publication, and a list
of three references (with e-mail addresses and phone numbers) to Prof. Karl
Böhringer, karl at ee.washington.edu.

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