[BNC-all] Weekly Memo -- Monday, 06.16.08

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Jun 16 08:06:29 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, June 16, 2008
1.1:  UHP Oxygen Shut Down: Tuesday, June 17:  Safety equipment will be
installed beginning at 8:00.  The shut down will last approximately 3 hours.
2.1:  Monday, 06.16.08, 3:00PM:  Purdue Elderhostel.
2.2:  Wednesday, 06.18.08, 9:00AM:  MEP 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Summer
Engineering Workshop.
2.3:  Wednesday, 06.18.08, 9:15AM:  Dr. and Mrs. CNR Rao.
2.4:  Wednesday, 06.19.08, 9:00AM: MEP 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Summer
Engineering Workshop.
3.1:  Wednesday, 06.18.08, 3:30PM, Lawson 1142:  ³The United States and
India: Two Giant Democracies. Science, Policy, and Funding Opportunities.²
Discovery Lecture Series.  Introductory Remarks: Victor Lechtenberg;
³Today¹s Scientific Scenario and Tomorrow¹s Challenges: The Case for India,²
Dr. C.N.R. Rao; ³Rising Above the Gathering Storm,² Dr. Gail Cassell;
³Funding Opportunities for Bilateral Activities between USA and India,² Dr.
Arabinda Mitra.  http://www.purdue.edu/dp/dls/US-India/
4.1:  Below is the URL for a Request for Proposals that may be of.  Please
contact Chris King, hcking at purdue.edu; 46706, for assistance in responding
to this RFP:  
<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2008/nsf08566/nsf08566.htm?govDel=USNSF_25> .
Synopsis of Program:  The Instrument Development for Biological Research
(IDBR) Program supports the development of novel instrumentation or
instrumentation that has been significantly improved by at least an order of
magnitude or more in fundamental aspects.  Supported instruments are
expected to have a significant impact on the study of biological systems at
any level.  The development of new instrumentation must be firmly based in
biological research need.  The IDBR Program supports the development or
major improvement of software for the operation of instruments only as
associated with the development of the instrument.  Data analysis and
acquisition software are only supported to the extent that the availability
of the software, in connection with new instrumentation, will clearly
advance biological research. Proposals are encouraged that focus on
proof-of-concept development for entirely novel instrumentation. Proposals
must target instrument developments that meet a broad need in the biological
community in areas supported by NSF Biology programs.  Proposals are
encouraged for instrumentation that does not currently exist in the form of
a working prototype.  In the selection of projects for funding, the program
does not support the development of biological instrumentation that would be
used for clinical or biomedical applications.
5.1:  Wednesdays, 06.18.08, 06.25.08, and 07.02.08; 10:00-12:00, Mann 203:
³Power of Understanding,² by Branna Smith, Worklife Specialist.  This is a
six-hour class and once complete you may earn a Purple Apple (cfr.
http://www.purdue.edu/hr/WorkLife/).  Please e-mail Barbara Doremire,
bjd at purdue.edu, to RSVP; class size is limited to 35.

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