[BNC-all] WEEKLY MEMO, 07.28.08

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Jul 28 08:10:38 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, July 28, 2008
1.1:  August 1, 2008, marks the anniversary of the death of Casey Heaton.
We will be honoring Casey with the dedication of a plaque at the window to
Bay R of the cleanroom.  The dedication will be at 10:00 AM Friday, August
1.  Please feel free to join us as we honor our friend and colleague.
1.2:  The staff are in the process of installing equipment interlocks for
the Coral system.  These interlocks will prevent the equipment from
functioning unless the user has enabled them in Coral.  These interlocks are
important from both a safety and fair-use standpoint.  Any attempt to alter,
tamper with, or otherwise defeat these interlocks will be cause for
disciplinary action.  Coral uptime is greater than 95%.  If a situation
occurs where you cannot operate the equipment due to Coral or the equipment
interlock, please contact the staff member responsible for that equipment
immediately.  Do not under any circumstances, attempt to defeat the
interlock.  Instructions for Coral account creation and authorization can be
found at: http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/Nanotechnology/coral.php
1.3:  Need to use a computer in 2092?  Computers are available to do masking
and modeling.  In addition, the ³old² cleanroom AFM computer is here so that
students may analyze images outside of the cleanroom.  E-mail dpsite at ecn and
request that your home directory be copied to the BRK 2092 Sun stations.
1.4:  Refrigerator in the Birck kitchen is scheduled to be cleaned on
Thursday, 07.31.08.  Please remove any items that you don¹t want discarded.
Items marked with name and dated after 07.25.08 will be saved.
1.5: Birck gets waxed J: Please have all articles picked up off the floor on
the evening prior to the waxing date.  Thanks!
Monday, 08.04.08:  BRK 2092, 2088.
Tuesday, 08.05.08: BRK 2084; 2080.
Thursday, 08.07.08: BRK 2218, 2222.
Friday, 08.08.08:  BRK 2076, 2072.
Monday, 08.11.08:  BRK 2226, 2230.
Thursday, 08.14.08: BRK 2234, 2238.
Friday, 08.15.08:  BRK 2019, 2021, 2023, 2025, 2020.
Monday, 08.18.08:  BRK 2050, 2048, 2046, 2044.
Tuesday, 08.19.08: BRK 2042, 2040, 2038.
Wednesday, 08.20.08: BRK 2262, 2264, 2266, 2268.
Thursday, 08.21.08: BRK 2270, 2272, 2274, 2276.
Friday, 08.22.08:  BRK 2295, 2293, 2291, 2289.
1.6:  Video Conferencing Unit in BRK 2001 now appears on the RAT system.  If
you need to reserve this unit, please pick up the remotes from Annie Cheever
and return them to her when you are done. Here are instructions on using the
video polycom unit: IP Address: (for your video conference
participants); 3 remotes needed: Projector Remote, Polycom Camera Remote
(pick up from A. Cheever), and Ceiling Camera Remote (pick up from A.
Cheever); 1) Place video polycom unit where you want it in the room; 2) Turn
on video polycom unit; will make a outer-space like sound; 3) Turn on
projector using the projector remote; 4) Select input 3 to view room; select
input 1 to view powerpoint presentation; 5) Using the polycom camera remote,
key in the IP address to call -- be sure to include the periods, if you are
calling another video polycom unit; select the "Call-Hang Up" key (green
button on top of remote); 6) to hang up: press the "Call-Hang Up" key twice.
VOLUME CONTROL: use polycom camera remote; PROBLEMS? try restarting the
unit; call Joe Cychosz at 4-5944.  For an audio connection, use the
telephone polycom unit, too.
2.1:  Tuesday, 07.29.08, 8:00-9:00AM:  International Programs in Veterinary
Medicine, with Pankaj Sharma.  Tour to begin in Morgan.
2.2:  Tuesday, 07.29.08, 9:15-10:30AM:  Qatar University, with Pankaj
Sharma.  Tour to begin in Morgan.
2.3:  Wednesday, 07.30.08, 9:30-10:30AM:  Burgett¹s Child Care.
2.4:  Wednesday, 07.30.08, 2:00-3:00PM:  PRF Entrepreneurship Academy
high-school camp, with Charles Buck, Chris Foster, and Candiss Vibbert.
2.5:  Thursday, 07.31.08, 1:00-2:00PM:  Duke Energy Visit.
     see below for abstracts/bios
3.1:  Monday, July 28, 4:00PM, POTR 234:  ³Power Generation for Micro Mobile
Systems,² by Professor Sejin Kwon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST).
3.2:  Tuesday and Wednesday, August 5 and 6, Crowne Plaza Hotel and
Conference Center, Indianapolis, IN: ³Nanotechnology & the Environment.²
Agenda posted at http://www.conf.purdue.edu/nano
4.1:  The National Science Foundation has released a new solicitation for
its Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program.  The goals of this program
are to: 1) stimulate the transformation of knowledge created by the research
and education enterprise into innovations that create new wealth; build
strong local, regional and national economies; and improve the national
well-being; 2) broaden the participation of all types of academic
institutions and all citizens in activities to meet the diverse workforce
needs of the national innovation enterprise; and 3) catalyze or enhance
enabling infrastructure that is necessary to foster and sustain innovation
in the long-term. To develop a set of ideas for pursuing these goals, this
competition will support 12-15 promising partnerships among academe, the
private sector, and state/local/ federal government that will explore new
approaches to support and sustain innovation.
The request for proposals is available at
For this competition, internal deadlines are as follows:
Monday, August 18: Letters of Intent due to the OVPR.
Monday, September 22: Preproposals due to the OVPR.
Thursday, September 25: Preproposal rankings due to the OVPR.
5.1: ³Power Generation for Micro Mobile Systems²
ABSTRACT: Thanks to the breakthroughs in the micro fabrication technology,
numerous concepts of micro mobile systems including micro aerial vehicle,
nano satellite and micro robot have been proposed. In order to activate
these mobile systems, power sources that can deliver energy density far
higher than that of the secondary batteries are required. I would like to
review alternative ways to generate power and discuss the technical problems
involved in each of the concepts; fuel cells, micro heat engines and
thermo-electric generation. The research at KAIST in hydrogen generation by
methanol re-forming and catalytic hydrolysis of chemical hydride will be
explained in detail. Construction of PEM fuel cell with hydrogen generated
from chemical hydrides will be described. To demonstrate this concept, a
small UAV powered by the above-mentioned fuel cell was built and test-flight
was successfully carried out. Problems with conventional combustion in a
micro combustor will be discussed and ways to avoid these by catalytic
combustion will be presented. Phenomenological difficulties of a micro heat
engine based on combustion will be discussed. Catalytic decomposition of
monopropellant can be used as an alter-native heat source that is
transformed into power generation by turbines and thermovoltaic devices.
BIO: Professor Sejin Kwon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST).  No additional information.

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